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Lichens as bioindicators of air quality in an area of thermoelectric power plant, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Lichens are recognized for being very sensitive to atmospheric pollution, so their use as biological indicators of environmental quality has been an ampler procedure. This work shows the results of the passive monitoring realized within the area of a thermoelectric power plant, in the Southern region of Brazil. The lichens were evaluated in five points of the power plant and a total of 50 host-trees were sampled. There were 45 taxa registered, five of them are cited in the literature as bioindicators of air quality. The sampled areas have not presented appropriate conditions for the establishment and development of the lichenized mycota, as they suffer direct anthropic influence. The occurrence of pollution tolerant species can be explained by the disappearance of most sensitive species, providing more space for their development.

atmospheric pollution; bioindication; lichenized mycota; thermoelectric power plant

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