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Re-existences: notes from a black female anthropologist in the middle of public tenders aplying for positons of higher education teaching


Thanks to affirmative action policies which guarantee vacancies in Brazilian public universities, we are currently experiencing a period of visibility of black, indigenous, low income, quilombolas, and LGBTTQIA populations, among others. These diverse presences within the university context invite us to put into practice the reflexive exercise of being/doing university. Once we finish our higher-level studies, we find ourselves in a daily struggle to seek professional opportunities that embrace these specific subjects, in a capital system that continues to be structured by various oppressive perspectives such racism and sexism. The article is based on the theoretical assumptions of Alberto Guerreiro Ramos on the relationship between the black-theme and the black-life, and also on bell hooks notion of love as a practice of freedom from bell hooks. It aims to comment on some lines of re-existences in face of the participation of a black female anthropologist in public tenders applying for positions of higher education teaching at a public university in the south of Brazil.

Re-existences; public tenders; black people

Universidade de São Paulo - USP Departamento de Antropologia. Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas. Universidade de São Paulo. Prédio de Filosofia e Ciências Sociais - Sala 1062. Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 315, Cidade Universitária. , Cep: 05508-900, São Paulo - SP / Brasil, Tel:+ 55 (11) 3091-3718 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil