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Productivity of container-breeding Aedes albopictus in an urban environment

INTRODUCTION: Aedes albopictus has been found at Cananeia city in the Southeastern State of S. Paulo, Brazil. A study was carried out to evaluate the productivity of its breeding place. MATERIAL AND METHOD: A container classified as large and permament was chosen. Water had accumulated at the bottom and was rich in organic matter, mainly of vegetal origin. From November 1996 until May 1997, fortnightly observations were perfomed, sampling immature stages found in a seventh part of the container's total water volume (nearly 70 litres). Pupae were collected, identified and sexed. The productivity of the breeding place was estimated using Focks et al's. (1981) formula adapted for a single large container. At the same time adults were caught by using human bait and the aspiration of resting places. The first catch was performed at six meters from the breeding place studied. Williams' mean was calculated for the human bait and mean hourly density for the aspiration results of the resting places (Subbarao et al., 1988). RESULTS: Immature stages of Ae. albopictus represented 44.9% of the total collected through fifteen fortnightly regular samplings (November 1996 to May 1997). The pupae mean was 31.13 and so the emergence index was 2.1. Multiplied by seven the result was 14.7 as the estimated mean number of females per day produced in that container. Adult females caught on human bait gave a general Williams' mean of 30.7, while the mean hour by density was 9.2. According to the accumulated calculated adult number, 22.8 females per day were available to seek human bait, under the conditions of the observations performed. DISCUSSION: Counting pupae is an efficient method of estimating the productivity of the breeding place of Ae . albopictus. The richness of the organic matter in the water in the container made it quite inappropiate to establish comparisons with water reservoirs for domestic use. Nevertheless, a lack of or deficient maintenance approximate these containers to the one here studied. So cleaning is an important factor and it must be emphasized as necessary to prevent the installation of mosquito breeding. Though it is a distinct species it is reasonable to expect that the application of these study methods to Ae. aegypti would be useful in the attempt being made to erradicate this latter species from our country.

Aedes; Ecology, vectors

Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, 715, 01246-904 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel./Fax: +55 11 3061-7985 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil