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Clinical reactions against rubella vaccine in adults

A study of rubella vaccine associated reactions in 306 women, aged 20 to 35 or more, following RA 27/3 vaccination is presented. In 238 of the vaccinated women (77.8%) no symptoms or signs were noted; fever, arthralgia, and lymphadenopathy were noticed in 6 cases (1.9%); eight cases (2.6%) developed fever, arthr algia, lymphadenopathy, and rubelliform rash; 21 cases (6.9%) developed lymphadenopathy; malaise without respiratory symptoms were noticed in 25 cases (8.2%) and mild respiratory symptoms in 8 cases (2.6%).


Faculdade de Saúde Pública da Universidade de São Paulo Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, 715, 01246-904 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel./Fax: +55 11 3061-7985 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil