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Description of leaf venation pattern in Spathicarpa Hook. (Araceae)

Characterization of leaf venation can help in the recognition of taxonomic groups that are identified primarily on the basis of reproductive characteristics such as genus Spathicarpa Hook. (Araceae). This study aims to provide an efficient technique for clearing leaves that are similar to those of Spathicarpa Hook., to describe the leaf venation pattern of Spathicarpa gardneri Schott, Spathicarpa hastifolia Hook., Spathicarpa lanceolata Engl. and Spathicarpa sagittifolia Schott, and to test the use of leaf architecture as a tool for taxonomic recognition of Spathicarpa Hook. species. In general, the leaf clearing technique initially involved placing leaves in 70% ethyl alcohol with commercial detergent, sodium hydroxide (5%) and sodium hypochloride for clearing and whitening, respectively. The leaves were then run through an ethanol dehydration series (10 to 100%) and through a xylene series (xylene-ethanol 100% 1:1 and xylene). Lastly, leaves were died with safranin and again placed in xylene-ethanol 100% 1:1 to differentiate. Of the four species, only Spathicarpa lanceolata Engl. presented diagnostic vegetative characteristics. It was not possible to distinguish amongst the other species based only on leaf architecture.

leaf architecture; leaf-clearing technique; lobules

Sociedade Botânica do Brasil SCLN 307 - Bloco B - Sala 218 - Ed. Constrol Center Asa Norte CEP: 70746-520 Brasília/DF. - Alta Floresta - MT - Brazil