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Bilateral Brown's syndrome associated with benign joint hypermobility: a case report

Brown's syndrome is characterized by a limitation of elevation in adduction, slight or normal limitation of elevation in abduction, divergence in straight upgaze (V-pattern), intorsion in upgaze and positive forced duction. It is caused by a tight or inelastic superior oblique tendon. Benign joint hypermobility is a hereditary disease of the connective tissue characterized by an increase of mobility in diverse joints. Its prevalence is very changeable regarding age range, sex and ethnicity, varying from 2 to 35% in men and 5 to 57% in women. In this case the authors describe a case of Brown's syndrome associated with Benign joint hipermobility and call attention to a little described association in the literature. J.C.S, male, 6 years old, mulatto, student, was referred to the University of Santo Amaro with complaint of exotropia for 2 years that it increased in supraversion. The patient with the diagnosis of bilateral Brown's syndrome, was diagnosed as having benign joint hipermobility by the reumatologist. The patient with benign joint hipermobility can develop symptoms such as arthralgia caused by a joint inflammation. We believe in the possibility that Brown syndrome has occurred, caused by an inflammatory process in the trochlea that started because of the benign joint hypermobility.

Ocular motility disorders; Joint instability; Strabismus; Case reports

Conselho Brasileiro de Oftalmologia Rua Casa do Ator, 1117 - cj.21, 04546-004 São Paulo SP Brazil, Tel: 55 11 - 3266-4000, Fax: 55 11- 3171-0953 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil