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In vivo acute changes in ATP and glucose concentrations in the testicles of prepubertal rats following unilateral torsion

Estudo In vivo das alterações agudas das concentrações de ATP e glicose induzidas por torção testicular unilateral nos testículos ipsilaterais do rato pré-púbere

Objective: An experimental study has been conducted to investigate acute changes in testicular concentrations of ATP and glucose following one-hour unilateral 720° testicular torsion. Methods: Sixty prepubertal male Wistar rats were distributed into two groups. Group 1 (Ischemia) animals (n=30) were divided into 5 subgroups (n=6). All animals were subjected to right testicular torsion of 720° lasting one hour followed by detorsion. Testicles were collected and arterial blood samples taken from abdominal aorta at the end of ischemic period and 0.5, 1, 6 and 24 hours following detorsion. The remaining rats (Group 2 - Sham operated) were divided into 5 subgroups and submitted to a similar procedure but detorsion was performed immediately following torsion of the right testis. Results: ATP and glucose concentrations were significantly decreased (P<0.05) in ischemia group as compared to sham group at the end of ischemic period. There was no difference in glycemia when comparing ischemic versus sham-operated rats. Conclusions: Unilateral one-hour testicular torsion causes a decrease in ipsilateral testicular perfusion resulting in decreased testicular concentrations of glucose and ATP. This finding suggests that one-hour unilateral testicular torsion impairs testicular capacity to produce ATP (energy) due to glucose storage depletion and reduced glucose uptake. Similar concentrations of glucose and ATP in testicular tissues of rats submitted to ischemia (Group 1) and sham-operated rats (Group 2) following detorsion implies the possible reversibility of these changes.

Spermatic cord torsion; Testis; Ischemia; Reperfusion injury; Rats

Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia - São Paulo - SP - Brazil