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Analysis of the topics of a scientific paper

The items of a scientific paper are described and its contents are objectively analyzed. The title, the most powerful weapon to attract the reader should be short and bring up the information regarding the ideas within the article. The Introduction situates the reader, showing concisely the relevancy of the study. The purpose of the study the main question that should be answered along the article - should be written at the end of the Introduction. In Methods, the most used types of samples in the medical field are reported and analyzed. The different ways to display the Results and the special forms to express the data such as the use of tables and graphics are analyzed. The logic of the Discussion, respecting the sequence of the items of a scientific paper and the results obtained by the author are compared with the literature data. The Abstract written by items (structured) and the References and its situation on the text are also analyzed.

Journal Article; Writing; Publishing; Methods

Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia - São Paulo - SP - Brazil