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Eletrocirurgia: sistemas mono e bipolar em cirurgia videolaparoscópica

the knowledge of the physical laws and of the mechanisms of functioning of electrosurgery are of great importance for the surgeon. Lesions caused by electrosurgery in laparoscopic procedures have been observed, and are associated with the use of monopolar electrode, with the frequency of 1 to 2 lesions in every 1000 procedures. Concerning the development of the lesions, several factors are involved; current density, the waveform and the type of coagulation used, with its respective voltages; the insulation condition of the devices; the occurrence of the phenomenon of capacitance and the risks involved with the use in patients with pacemakers. In bipolar electrosurgery, the current density produced around the electrodes is much lower, causing less tissue damage and, still, eliminating several of the other mechanims of injury, such as the dispersive electrode and those quoted above. Several studies reveal that the incidence of complications with the use of bipolar electrodes in cholecystectomies, appendicectomies, polypectomies and other procedures is significantly lower.

Electrosurgery; Electrodes; Laparoscopy

Sociedade Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento da Pesquisa em Cirurgia - São Paulo - SP - Brazil