The search for alternative solutions to treat the bone injuries of the face motivated the present investigation which studied comparatively, osteosyntesis of the experimental dysjunction of the sutura temporozygomatica by the classical method with stainless steel wire and by synthetic surgical adhesive (buthyl-2-cyanoacrylate), using as comparison parameters biomechanical tests where flexion force and shearing tension of arcus zygomaticus are assessed. The results were also compared with similar bone structures without experimental dysjunction. Thirty-six dogs, ranging in weight from ten to twelve kilograms (kg) were used. The animals were distributed into three groups of 12 animals: Normal, Wire and Glue. The dogs of Wire and Glue groups, after intravenous anesthesia, were submitted to incision in the regio zygomaticus, and, after surgical dissection, the arcus zygomaticus was exposed. Subsequently, the dysjunction of the sutura temporozygomatica was performed with appropriate instruments. The same procedure was repeated on the contralateral side of each animal. The osteosyntheses of dysjuntions of the arcus zygomaticus were performed with stainless steel wire or with glue (buthyl-2-cyanoacrylate), according to the group to which the animal belonged. The 24 animals were observed for 40 days after which they were reoperated on to remove the bone pieces and then submitted to euthanasia. The Normal group consisted of 12 apparently healthy dogs in which the arcus zygomaticus of both sides were removed; these animals were then submitted to euthanasia. The 72 bone specimens (arcus zygomaticus) constituted the "proof of bodies" which are the two most common types of physical effort which exerts upon the bones of the face, in the presence of trauma. The data obtained were submitted to Variance Analysis to independence groups, and Tukey tests, to compares in the Normal , Wire and Glue groups in somethings studies variacions. The results obtained biomechanical assays with shearing tension indicated a similar answer in the Normal, Wire and Glue groups. The results obtained biomechanical assays flexion with surgical adhesive were the lower as the classical method with stainless steel wire and to the flexion force in the Normal.
Cyanoacrylates; Zygoma; Biomechanical; Biomechanical; Dogs