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O islã e o sistema escolar no Marrocos pré-colonial

In Morocco, as elsewhere in the Muslim world, Islam was the great promoter of educational activities in schools. During the precolonial period, the school issue was not interesant for the Makhzen (political power). Apart from specific issues such as aids to the Quaraouiyine University, the majority of schools lived off the generosity of Muslims with fortune and Public Administration. It was taught to read and write the Koran and the other sciences had also its origin in the Koran. Meanwhile, Jewish and European schools were developed, while French and Spanish colonizers exploited Moroccan resources with the consent of Makhzen.

Islam; Morocco; school; precolonial; Koran

Universidade Federal da Bahia Praça Inocêncio Galvão, 42 Largo 2 de Julho, Centro, 40060-055 - Salvador - BA, Tel: 5571 3283-5501 - Salvador - BA - Brazil