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Study of Brazilian publications in general journals of articles on the musculoskeletal system


OBJECTIVE: Considering the difficulty for classifying bone losses the present study was designed to analyse if the AORI classification based on pre-operative radiographies is consistent and reproductible between different orthopaedic surgeons. METHODS: Six orthopedists specialized in knee surgery were trained for the use of the classification based on radiographic evaluation. All the surgeons individually classified 26 pre operative knee radiographs. RESULTS: There was a moderate (> 50%) matching of the classification in 24 of 26 cases in the femur and 22 of 26 in the tibia. A good matching (> 80%) was present in 12 of 26 cases in the femur and in 7 of 26 cases in the tibia. CONCLUSION: We observed that the AORI classification presented a moderate

Arthroplasty; Replacement, Knee; Radiography; Knee prosthesis

Sào estudados os perfis de publicação de artigos relacionados ao aparelho locomotor em duas revistas médicas brasileiras gerais indexadas. Os autores estudam o perfil de publicação de artigos com registro no PUBMED, em um período de dois anos. Selecionados 39 artigos com distribuição heterogênea entre as revistas estudadas. Observaram-se nítida progressão no número de artigos entre os anos estudados em ambas as publicações, principalmente em Clinics. Entre as áreas de interesse os artigos referentes a cirurgia, abordagens clínicas e estudos biomecânicos tiveram expressiva presença em Clinics. Na RAMB os estudos estiveram centrados exclusivamente na área de interesse clínico. Quanto ao desenho predominaram em Clinics ensaios clínicos, revisões e séries de casos. Na RAMB Houve predomínio de séries de casos, revisões e estudos diagnósticos

Ortopedia; Aparelho locomotor; Publicação


Study of brazilian publications in general journals of articles on the musculoskeletal system

Olavo Pires de Camargo; Luiz Eugênio Garcez Leme

Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo

Mailing address Mailing address: Rua: Ovídio Pires de Campos, 333 - Cerqueira César São Paulo, SP. Brazil, CEP: 05403-010 E-mail:


The authors study the publication profiles of articles relating to the musculoskeletal system in two indexed Brazilian general medical journals registered in PUBMED, over a period of two years. They selected 67 articles with heterogeneous distribution between the journals studied, and observed clear progression in the number of articles between the years studied in both publications, especially in Clinics. Among the areas of interest, the articles referring to surgery, clinical approaches and biomechanical studies had significant presence in Clinics. In RAMB, the studies were focused exclusively on the area of clinical interest. As regards design, clinical trials, reviews and case series predominated in Clinics, while case series, reviews and diagnostic studies predominated in RAMB.

Keywords: Orthopedics, Musculoskeletal, Publication.


The increase in the levels of scientific publication in Brazil, particularly in the area of health, has been a perceptible characteristic in recent years1.

Greater ease of research and publication, particularly in the more developed states, as well as the increase of schools and universities, the facilities of the world wide web and an academic policy of public or perish that is universal may be explanations for this phenomenon.

Surveys and publications on the musculoskeletal system are not an exception to this rule, and there is a significant increase in the quantity and quality of Brazilian publications in this area, which is reflected in the expansion of quality and impact of Brazilian journals focusing specifically on orthopedics, sports medicine and correlated areas.

Part of the academic production regarding the musculoskeletal system, however, ends up being published outside of specific journals, either as they address interdisciplinary topics, or aim at disclosure to a broader audience than just the community involved in study of the musculoskeletal system.

The study of the profile of these publications appears interesting to us both due to the knowledge of their areas of disclosure and to the qualitative analysis of published papers.


Surveys were conducted in 2009 and 2010 on articles with an interest in the musculoskeletal system published in two Brazilian journals not specifically linked to the orthopedic area, currently cataloged in Pubmed (Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira [RAMB] and Revista do Hospital das Clinicas da FMUSP [Clinics]). Having selected the articles, we located 27 publications in Clinics2-28 and 12 publications in RAM29-39 that were evaluated individually by the authors to define their possible interest in orthopedics and study of the musculoskeletal system.

Inclusion criteria: Articles published in the journals analyzed in the years 2009 and 2010 that fulfilled the search criteria.

Exclusion criteria:

Articles that were not directly or indirectly related to orthopedics and study of the musculoskeletal system.

The articles already selected were evaluated in terms of their research design and the set of topics covered.

The results were incorporated in an Excel spreadsheet.

We used Microsoft's Excel 2007® program.


The authors located 39 articles that fulfilled the inclusion criteria, of which 27 (69.2%) were in Clinics and 12 (30.8%) in RAMB. The percent results are recorded in tables 1, 2 and 3.

It is easy to observe a progression in the number of publications of interest on the musculoskeletal system between the years studied that actually triples in Clinics (from 10 to 30 publications). Among the areas of interest the articles referring to surgery, clinical approaches and biomechanical studies had significant presence in Clinics. In RAMB the studies were focused exclusively on the area of clinical interest.

As regards the design, clinical trials, reviews and case series predominated in Clinics, while case series, reviews and diagnostic studies predominated in RAMB.


In this article we were able to find a notable difference both in number of publications, area of interest and in research design between the two journals, being the highest number of publications in Clinics and, on a lesser scale, in RAMB. These differences can be explained by the fact that they are journals of different design, with Clinics more closely associated with articles related to academic studies and clinical surveys, while RAMB has a strong inclusion in clinical updates and reviews.

As regards topics, most of the articles covered articles of clinical interest, including aspects of arthropathies and of physical medicine. This fact can explain the reason why these publications have targeted general journals and not those specialized in orthopedics. However, a significant number of essentially surgical articles was published by Clinics, which may reflect adequate dynamics of the flow of articles and the progressive increase of the factor of impact and internationalization of this publication, which could thus compete with journals specialized in Orthopedics and Traumatology.

As regards the research design, we can find a balance among several designs with an expressive number of intervention studies, with clinical trials corresponding to more than 25% of the whole in an apparent progression in relation to previous studies40,41 What draws our attention in the current period is the absence of case reports, which demonstrates qualitative progression in both publications. As a conclusion we can observe that the number of publications on studies of the musculoskeletal system exhibits progressive presence in general journals, which continues to show the existence of room for growth for specialized publications.

During this period we also noticed the absence of secondary studies such as systematic reviews or meta-analyses, which may characterize an area to be stimulated in the short term.


1. Produção científica brasileira cresce 133% em dez anos. In Jornal da Ciência - SBPC. (acessado em 20/7/2011)

2. Paval, Jaijesh; Kaitheri, Srinivasan Keloth; Potu, Bhagath Kumar; Govindan, Sreejith; Kumar, Raju Suresh; Narayanan, Sareesh Naduvil; Moorkoth, Sudheer Anti-arthritic potential of the plant Justicia gendarussa Burm F. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2009;64(4):357-62.

3. Kamulegeya, Adriane; Lakor, Francis; Kabenge, Kate. Oral maxillofacial fractures seen at a ugandan tertiary hospital: a six-month prospective study. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2009;64(9):843-8.

4. Maciel, Simone Carazzato; Jennings, Fabio; Jones, Anamaria; Natour, Jamil. The development and validation of a low back pain knowledge questionnaire - LKQ. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2009;64(12):1167-1175.

5. Cabrita, Henrique Antônio Berwanger de Amorim; Malavolta, Eduardo Angeli; Teixeira, Otávio Vilhena Reis; Montenegro, Nei Botter; Duarte, Fernando Aires; Mattar Jr., Rames. Anterograde removal of broken femoral nails without opening the nonunion site: a new technique. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(3):279-283.

6. Bitar, Alexandre Carneiro; Santos, Luiz Augusto Ubirajara; Croci, Alberto Tesconi; Pereira, João Alberto Ramos Maradei; França Bisneto, Edgard N.; Giovani, Arlete Mazzini Miranda; Oliveira, Claudia Regina G. C. M. Histological study of fresh versus frozen semitendinous muscle tendon allografts. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(3): 297-303.

7. Gomes, João Ellera; Konrath, Cássio Alves. Femoral mechanical-biological graft fixation in ACL reconstruction in young patients. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(3):347-349.

8. Lasmar, Rodrigo Campos Pace; Almeida, Adriano Marques de; Serbino Jr., José Wilson; Albuquerque, Roberto Freire da Mota; Hernandez, Arnaldo José. Importance of the different posterolateral knee static stabilizers: biomechanical study. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010; 65(4):433-440.

9. Unlu, Ece; Cevikol, Alev; Bal, Burcu; Gonen, Emel; Celik, Ozlem; Kose, Gulsen. Multilevel botulinum toxin type a as a treatment for spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: a retrospective study. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010; 65(6):613-619.

10. Lacaze, Denise Helena de Castro; Sacco, Isabel de C. N.; Rocha, Lys Esther; Pereira, Carlos Alberto de Bragança; Casarotto, Raquel Aparecida. Stretching and joint mobilization exercises reduce call-center operators' musculoskeletal discomfort and fatigue. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(7):657-662.

11. Ferreira, Elizabeth Alves G.; Duarte, Marcos; Maldonado, Edison Puig; Burke, Thomaz Nogueira; Marques, Amelia Pasqual. Postural assessment software (PAS/SAPO): validation and reliability. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(7):675-681.

12. Angelini, Fabio J.; Albuquerque, Roberto F. M.; Sasaki, Sandra U.; Camanho, Gilberto L.; Hernandez, Arnaldo J. Comparative study on anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: determination of isometric points with and without navigation. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(7):683-688.

13. Perinetti, Giuseppe; Contardo, Luca; Biasati, Armando Silvestrini; Perdoni, Lucia; Castaldo, Attilio. Dental malocclusion and body posture in young subjects: A multiple regression study. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(7):689-695.

14. Carvalho, Nilza Aparecida de Almeida; Bittar, Simoni Teixeira; Pinto, Flávia Ribeiro de Souza; Ferreira, Mônica; Sitta, Robson Roberto. Manual for guided home exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(8):775-780.

15. Freitas-Silva, Renata; Conde, Délio Marques; Freitas-Júnior, Ruffo de; Martinez, Edson Zangiacomi. Comparison of quality of life, satisfaction with surgery and shoulder-arm morbidity in breast cancer survivors submitted to breastconserving therapy or mastectomy followed by immediate breast reconstruction. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(8):781-787.

16. Arslan, Mahmut; Cantürk, Mehmet; Örnek, Dilsen; Gamli, Mehmet; Pala, Yasar; Dikmen, Bayazit; Basaran, Meleksah. Regional intravenous anesthesia in knee arthroscopy. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(9):831-835.

17. Demirdal, Umit Secil; Ciftci, Ihsan Hakkı; Kavuncu, Vural. Markers of autoimmune liver diseases in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(10):971-974.

18. Yildirim, Duzgun; Tamam, Cuneyt; Gumus, Terman. Three-dimensional scanning with dual-source computed tomography in patients with acute skeletal trauma. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(10):991-1002.

19. França, Fábio Renovato; Burke, Thomaz Nogueira; Hanada, Erica Sato; Marques, Amélia Pasqual. Segmental stabilization and muscular strengthening in chronic low back pain: a comparative study. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(10):1013-1017.

20. Dogan, Sebnem Koldas; Ay, Saime; Evcik, Deniz. The effectiveness of low laser therapy in subacromial impingement syndrome: a randomized placebo controlled double-blind prospective study. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(10):1019-1022.

21. Souza, Melissa Almeida; Soares Junior, Luiz Alberto Valente; Santos, Marcela Alves dos; Vaisbich, Maria Helena. Dental abnormalities and oral health in patients with Hypophosphatemic rickets. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(10):1023-1026.

22. Nerbass, Flavia Baggio; Feltrim, Maria Ignez Zanetti; Souza, Silvia Alves de; Ykeda, Daisy Satomi; Lorenzi-Filho, Geraldo. Effects of massage therapy on sleep quality after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(11):1105-1110.

23. Vicente, José Ricardo Negreiros; Ulhoa, Carlos Antonio Soares; Katz, Marcio; Addeo, Renato Dainesi; Croci, Alberto Tesconi. A comparative study of "plasmacup" and "porous-coated" acetabular components: survival after 10 to 12 years of follow-up. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(11):1111-1114.

24. Correia, Paulo Roberto; Pansani, Aline; Machado, Felipe; Andrade, Marilia; Silva, Antonio Carlos da; Scorza, Fulvio Alexandre; Cavalheiro, Esper Abrão; Arida, Ricardo Mario. Acute strength exercise and the involvement of small or large muscle mass on plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(11):1123-1126.

25. Ackel-D'Elia, Carolina; Vancini, Rodrigo Luiz; Castelo, Adauto; Nouailhetas, Viviane Louise Andrée; Silva, Antonio Carlos da. Absence of the predisposing factors and signs and symptoms usually associated with overreaching and overtraining in physical fitness centers. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(11):1161-1166.

26. Costa, Renata Alqualo; Oliveira, Leda Magalhães de; Watanabe, Sandra Hiroko; Jones, Anamaria; Natour, Jamil. Isokinetic assessment of the hip muscles in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(12):1253-1259.

27. Bocalini, Danilo Sales; Serra, Andrey Jorge; Rica, Roberta Luksevicius; Santos, Leonardo dos. Repercussions of training and detraining by water-based exercise on functional fitness and quality of life: a short-term follow-up in healthy older women. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(12):1305-1309.

28. Toscano, Ana Elisa; Ferraz, Karla Monica; Castro, Raul Manhães de; Canon, Francis. Passive stiffness of rat skeletal muscle undernourished during fetal development. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(12):1363-1369.

29. Carvalho Viviane Fernandes de, Ferreira Marcus Castro, Vieira Suzy Ane Tavares, Ueda Thiago. Limiar de sensibilidade cutânea dos pés em pacientes diabéticos através do pressure specified sensory device: uma avaliação da neuropatia. Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. 2009;55(1):29-34.

30. Miot, Hélio Amante; Mendaçolli, Thaís Jung; Costa, Sara Venoso; Haddad, Gabriela Roncada; Abbade, Luciana Patrícia Fernandes. Chronic ulcers of the lower limbs: area evaluation by digital photography. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2009;55(2):145-8.

31. Paulo, Rodrigo Bomeny de; Guimarães, Tales Mollica; Helito, Paulo Victor Partezani; Marchiori, Paulo Eurípides; Yamamoto, Fabio Iuji; Mansur, Letícia Lessa; Scaff, Milberto; Conforto, Adriana Bastos. Stroke in a neurology ward: etiologies, complications and length of stay. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2009;55(3):313-6.

32. Moraes, Augusto César Ferreira de; Fernandes, Carlos Alexandre Molena; Elias, Rui Gonçalves Marques; Nakashima, Alika Terumi Arasaki; Reichert, Felipe Fossati; Falcão, Mário Cícero. Prevalence of physical inactivity and associated factors in adolescents. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2009;55(5):523-8.

33. Orsini, Marco; Catharino, Antonio Marcos da Silva; Catharino, Fernanda Martins Coelho; Mello, Mariana Pimentel; Freitas, Marcos Rg de; Leite, Marco Antônio Araújo; Nascimento, Osvaldo J M. Man-in-the-barrel syndrome, a symmetrical proximal brachial amyotrophic diplegia related to motor neuron diseases: a survey of nine cases. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2009;55(6):712-5.

34. Gawryszewski, Vilma Pinheiro. The importance of falls on the same level among the elderly in São Paulo state. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010;56(2):162-7.

35. Costa, Thais Ribeiro; Lima, Tiago Pessoa; Gontijo, Patrícia Lúcia; Carvalho, Harley Alves de; Cardoso, Flávia Perassa de Faria; Faria, Orlando Pereira; Cavalcanti Neto, Florêncio Figueiredo. Correlation of respiratory muscle strength with anthropometric variables of eutrophic and obese women. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010;56(4):403-8.

36. Colicchio, Daniel; Passos, Afonso Dinis Costa. Traffic behavior of medical students. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010;56(5):535-540.

37. Parreira, José Gustavo; Soldá, Silvia C; Perlingeiro, Jaqueline A. Giannini; Padovese, Camila C; Karakhanian, Walter Z; Assef, José Cesar. Comparative analysis of trauma characteristics between elderly and younger trauma patients. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010;56(5):541-546.

38. Parreira, José Gustavo; Vianna, André Mazzini Ferreira; Cardoso, Gabriel Silva; Karakhanian, Walter Zavem; Calil, Daniela; Perlingeiro, Jaqueline A. Giannini; Soldá, Silvia C.; Assef, José Cesar. Severe injuries from falls on the same level. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010;56(6):660-664.

39. Nunes, Marcela Neves; Nascimento, Luiz Fernando Costa. Hospitalization due to motorcycle accidents in the Paraíba Valley using spatial analysis. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010;56(6):684-687.

40. Camargo OP, Garcez-Leme LE. Revisão de artigos de ortopedia e medicina esportiva publicados em periódicos brasileiros. Acta Ortop Bras. 2009;17(6):344-9.

41. Camargo OP, Leme LEG. Estudo de publicações em periódicos geraisde artigos sobre ortopedia e aparelho locomotor. Acta Ortop Bras. [online]. 2011;19(2):110-3. Disponível em URL:

Article received on 12/7/10 and approved on 1/12/11.

All the authors declare that there is no potential conflict of interest referring to this article.

  • 1. Produção científica brasileira cresce 133% em dez anos. In Jornal da Ciência - SBPC. (acessado em 20/7/2011)
  • 2. Paval, Jaijesh; Kaitheri, Srinivasan Keloth; Potu, Bhagath Kumar; Govindan, Sreejith; Kumar, Raju Suresh; Narayanan, Sareesh Naduvil; Moorkoth, Sudheer Anti-arthritic potential of the plant Justicia gendarussa Burm F. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2009;64(4):357-62.
  • 3. Kamulegeya, Adriane; Lakor, Francis; Kabenge, Kate. Oral maxillofacial fractures seen at a ugandan tertiary hospital: a six-month prospective study. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2009;64(9):843-8.
  • 4. Maciel, Simone Carazzato; Jennings, Fabio; Jones, Anamaria; Natour, Jamil. The development and validation of a low back pain knowledge questionnaire - LKQ. Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2009;64(12):1167-1175.
  • 5. Cabrita, Henrique Antônio Berwanger de Amorim; Malavolta, Eduardo Angeli; Teixeira, Otávio Vilhena Reis; Montenegro, Nei Botter; Duarte, Fernando Aires; Mattar Jr., Rames. Anterograde removal of broken femoral nails without opening the nonunion site: a new technique. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(3):279-283.
  • 6. Bitar, Alexandre Carneiro; Santos, Luiz Augusto Ubirajara; Croci, Alberto Tesconi; Pereira, João Alberto Ramos Maradei; França Bisneto, Edgard N.; Giovani, Arlete Mazzini Miranda; Oliveira, Claudia Regina G. C. M. Histological study of fresh versus frozen semitendinous muscle tendon allografts. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(3): 297-303.
  • 7. Gomes, João Ellera; Konrath, Cássio Alves. Femoral mechanical-biological graft fixation in ACL reconstruction in young patients. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(3):347-349.
  • 8. Lasmar, Rodrigo Campos Pace; Almeida, Adriano Marques de; Serbino Jr., José Wilson; Albuquerque, Roberto Freire da Mota; Hernandez, Arnaldo José. Importance of the different posterolateral knee static stabilizers: biomechanical study. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010; 65(4):433-440.
  • 9. Unlu, Ece; Cevikol, Alev; Bal, Burcu; Gonen, Emel; Celik, Ozlem; Kose, Gulsen. Multilevel botulinum toxin type a as a treatment for spasticity in children with cerebral palsy: a retrospective study. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010; 65(6):613-619.
  • 10. Lacaze, Denise Helena de Castro; Sacco, Isabel de C. N.; Rocha, Lys Esther; Pereira, Carlos Alberto de Bragança; Casarotto, Raquel Aparecida. Stretching and joint mobilization exercises reduce call-center operators' musculoskeletal discomfort and fatigue. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(7):657-662.
  • 11. Ferreira, Elizabeth Alves G.; Duarte, Marcos; Maldonado, Edison Puig; Burke, Thomaz Nogueira; Marques, Amelia Pasqual. Postural assessment software (PAS/SAPO): validation and reliability. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(7):675-681.
  • 12. Angelini, Fabio J.; Albuquerque, Roberto F. M.; Sasaki, Sandra U.; Camanho, Gilberto L.; Hernandez, Arnaldo J. Comparative study on anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: determination of isometric points with and without navigation. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(7):683-688.
  • 13. Perinetti, Giuseppe; Contardo, Luca; Biasati, Armando Silvestrini; Perdoni, Lucia; Castaldo, Attilio. Dental malocclusion and body posture in young subjects: A multiple regression study. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(7):689-695.
  • 14. Carvalho, Nilza Aparecida de Almeida; Bittar, Simoni Teixeira; Pinto, Flávia Ribeiro de Souza; Ferreira, Mônica; Sitta, Robson Roberto. Manual for guided home exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(8):775-780.
  • 15. Freitas-Silva, Renata; Conde, Délio Marques; Freitas-Júnior, Ruffo de; Martinez, Edson Zangiacomi. Comparison of quality of life, satisfaction with surgery and shoulder-arm morbidity in breast cancer survivors submitted to breastconserving therapy or mastectomy followed by immediate breast reconstruction. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(8):781-787.
  • 16. Arslan, Mahmut; Cantürk, Mehmet; Örnek, Dilsen; Gamli, Mehmet; Pala, Yasar; Dikmen, Bayazit; Basaran, Meleksah. Regional intravenous anesthesia in knee arthroscopy. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(9):831-835.
  • 17. Demirdal, Umit Secil; Ciftci, Ihsan Hakkı; Kavuncu, Vural. Markers of autoimmune liver diseases in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(10):971-974.
  • 18. Yildirim, Duzgun; Tamam, Cuneyt; Gumus, Terman. Three-dimensional scanning with dual-source computed tomography in patients with acute skeletal trauma. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(10):991-1002.
  • 19. França, Fábio Renovato; Burke, Thomaz Nogueira; Hanada, Erica Sato; Marques, Amélia Pasqual. Segmental stabilization and muscular strengthening in chronic low back pain: a comparative study. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(10):1013-1017.
  • 20. Dogan, Sebnem Koldas; Ay, Saime; Evcik, Deniz. The effectiveness of low laser therapy in subacromial impingement syndrome: a randomized placebo controlled double-blind prospective study. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(10):1019-1022.
  • 21. Souza, Melissa Almeida; Soares Junior, Luiz Alberto Valente; Santos, Marcela Alves dos; Vaisbich, Maria Helena. Dental abnormalities and oral health in patients with Hypophosphatemic rickets. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(10):1023-1026.
  • 22. Nerbass, Flavia Baggio; Feltrim, Maria Ignez Zanetti; Souza, Silvia Alves de; Ykeda, Daisy Satomi; Lorenzi-Filho, Geraldo. Effects of massage therapy on sleep quality after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(11):1105-1110.
  • 23. Vicente, José Ricardo Negreiros; Ulhoa, Carlos Antonio Soares; Katz, Marcio; Addeo, Renato Dainesi; Croci, Alberto Tesconi. A comparative study of "plasmacup" and "porous-coated" acetabular components: survival after 10 to 12 years of follow-up. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(11):1111-1114.
  • 24. Correia, Paulo Roberto; Pansani, Aline; Machado, Felipe; Andrade, Marilia; Silva, Antonio Carlos da; Scorza, Fulvio Alexandre; Cavalheiro, Esper Abrão; Arida, Ricardo Mario. Acute strength exercise and the involvement of small or large muscle mass on plasma brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(11):1123-1126.
  • 25. Ackel-D'Elia, Carolina; Vancini, Rodrigo Luiz; Castelo, Adauto; Nouailhetas, Viviane Louise Andrée; Silva, Antonio Carlos da. Absence of the predisposing factors and signs and symptoms usually associated with overreaching and overtraining in physical fitness centers. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(11):1161-1166.
  • 26. Costa, Renata Alqualo; Oliveira, Leda Magalhães de; Watanabe, Sandra Hiroko; Jones, Anamaria; Natour, Jamil. Isokinetic assessment of the hip muscles in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(12):1253-1259.
  • 27. Bocalini, Danilo Sales; Serra, Andrey Jorge; Rica, Roberta Luksevicius; Santos, Leonardo dos. Repercussions of training and detraining by water-based exercise on functional fitness and quality of life: a short-term follow-up in healthy older women. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(12):1305-1309.
  • 28. Toscano, Ana Elisa; Ferraz, Karla Monica; Castro, Raul Manhães de; Canon, Francis. Passive stiffness of rat skeletal muscle undernourished during fetal development. Clinics (Sao Paulo) 2010;65(12):1363-1369.
  • 29. Carvalho Viviane Fernandes de, Ferreira Marcus Castro, Vieira Suzy Ane Tavares, Ueda Thiago. Limiar de sensibilidade cutânea dos pés em pacientes diabéticos através do pressure specified sensory device: uma avaliação da neuropatia. Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. 2009;55(1):29-34.
  • 30. Miot, Hélio Amante; Mendaçolli, Thaís Jung; Costa, Sara Venoso; Haddad, Gabriela Roncada; Abbade, Luciana Patrícia Fernandes. Chronic ulcers of the lower limbs: area evaluation by digital photography. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2009;55(2):145-8.
  • 31. Paulo, Rodrigo Bomeny de; Guimarães, Tales Mollica; Helito, Paulo Victor Partezani; Marchiori, Paulo Eurípides; Yamamoto, Fabio Iuji; Mansur, Letícia Lessa; Scaff, Milberto; Conforto, Adriana Bastos. Stroke in a neurology ward: etiologies, complications and length of stay. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2009;55(3):313-6.
  • 32. Moraes, Augusto César Ferreira de; Fernandes, Carlos Alexandre Molena; Elias, Rui Gonçalves Marques; Nakashima, Alika Terumi Arasaki; Reichert, Felipe Fossati; Falcão, Mário Cícero. Prevalence of physical inactivity and associated factors in adolescents. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2009;55(5):523-8.
  • 33. Orsini, Marco; Catharino, Antonio Marcos da Silva; Catharino, Fernanda Martins Coelho; Mello, Mariana Pimentel; Freitas, Marcos Rg de; Leite, Marco Antônio Araújo; Nascimento, Osvaldo J M. Man-in-the-barrel syndrome, a symmetrical proximal brachial amyotrophic diplegia related to motor neuron diseases: a survey of nine cases. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2009;55(6):712-5.
  • 34. Gawryszewski, Vilma Pinheiro. The importance of falls on the same level among the elderly in São Paulo state. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010;56(2):162-7.
  • 35. Costa, Thais Ribeiro; Lima, Tiago Pessoa; Gontijo, Patrícia Lúcia; Carvalho, Harley Alves de; Cardoso, Flávia Perassa de Faria; Faria, Orlando Pereira; Cavalcanti Neto, Florêncio Figueiredo. Correlation of respiratory muscle strength with anthropometric variables of eutrophic and obese women. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010;56(4):403-8.
  • 36. Colicchio, Daniel; Passos, Afonso Dinis Costa. Traffic behavior of medical students. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010;56(5):535-540.
  • 37. Parreira, José Gustavo; Soldá, Silvia C; Perlingeiro, Jaqueline A. Giannini; Padovese, Camila C; Karakhanian, Walter Z; Assef, José Cesar. Comparative analysis of trauma characteristics between elderly and younger trauma patients. Rev Assoc Med Bras. 2010;56(5):541-546.
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    Rua: Ovídio Pires de Campos, 333 - Cerqueira César
    São Paulo, SP. Brazil, CEP: 05403-010
  • Publication Dates

    • Publication in this collection
      30 Jan 2012
    • Date of issue


    • Received
      07 Dec 2010
    • Accepted
      12 Jan 2011
    ATHA EDITORA Rua: Machado Bittencourt, 190, 4º andar - Vila Mariana - São Paulo Capital - CEP 04044-000, Telefone: 55-11-5087-9502 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil