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Dissertations and theses on palliative care in pediatric oncology: a bibliometric study



To analyze bibliometric indicators of studies originated from dissertations and theses on palliative care in pediatric oncology defended in Postgraduate Programs in the Brazilian scenario.


Bibliometric study conducted through the Bank of Theses and Dissertations of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Portuguese acronym: CAPES) and the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (Portuguese acronym: BDTD) between years 2008 and 2018 defended in Postgraduate Programs in Brazil.


The investigated bibliometric indicators highlighted 60 studies (13 theses and 47 dissertations) conducted on palliative care in pediatric oncology. The Higher Education Institution with the highest scientific production was the Universidade de São Paulo. The southeast region stood out with the largest number of publications distributed in 18 programs. The Nursing field occupied a prominent position, followed by Psychology and Medicine. The qualitative methodological design was the most used in the studies. Most studies were conducted in specialized hospitals for cancer treatment.


A small number of studies originating from dissertations and theses on palliative care in pediatric oncology defended in Postgraduate Programs in the Brazilian scenario was identified in this investigation. Further studies are suggested to expand scientific production on the topic and disseminate scientific evidence within clinical practice of palliative care in pediatric oncology.

Paliative care; Oncology; Pediatrics; Bibliometrics; Academmic dissertations

Escola Paulista de Enfermagem, Universidade Federal de São Paulo R. Napoleão de Barros, 754, 04024-002 São Paulo - SP/Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 11) 5576 4430 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil