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Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, Volume: jubilee, Publicado: 2001
  • Editorial

    Soccol, Carlos Ricardo
  • A Trajetória de "Arquivos de Biologia e Tecnologia", Publicação que Marcou Época na História da Ciência Brasileira

    Bacila, Metry
  • Estudos Sobre Leishmaniose: I. Primeiros Casos de Leishmaniose Espontânea Observados em Cobáios

    Medina, Heitor

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The author describes the first cases of spontaneous leishmaniasis in guinea-pigs, as verified for the first time, in Curitiba, at the Institute of Biology and Technological Research. Studying the inoculability of Paracoccidioide brasiliensis in guinea-pigs, he found animals which presented tumoral lesions in the ears and peritesticular skin. The examination of these tumors, mixed with a small drop of Giemsa's original solution, plus the exam of the rubbings of the same material, coloured by the May-Grunwald Giemsa after fixation by Heidenhein's solution and the histological exams of the cuts in the tumoral lesions revealed the presence of elements which possessed the same morphology and aspect of the LEISHMAN-DONOVANI corpuscles. In the meanwhile, a parasitosis by protozoarians of the Leishmania variety might have been suspected, because large macrophagi could be seen in the histological cuts, all parazitized, identical with those which are found in other cutaneous leishmaniosis. The author then proceeds to the experimental study of the sickness, first by endeavouring to obtain material for the inoculation and cultures, by means of punctures in the tumors. Part of the product of the punctures was sown in N. N. N. medium and part inoculated in other guinea-pigs. After the third day the cultures presented the flagellated forms of the parasite, free or grouped in rosettes in the culture liquid. All the guinea-pigs inoculated with part of the material obtained by puncturing and with the liquids of the cultures, reproduced the tumors found in the animals spontaneously infected. With a view to reproducing the same features of generalization which were observed in other experimental animals, with other strains of leishmania, new animals were inoculated after having been tarred and blocked in order to attempt the breaking down of possible natural resistences, which proved unnecessary, however, for the generalization went on of itself naturally and without artifice. Inoculations were made by the subcutaneous, intraperitonial, intrasplenic, intramedular, intracerebral and endovenous channels and by instillation in the conjunctive, in those guinea-pigs which received subcutaneous inoculations, the incubation period varied between 11 and 15 days, this period being longer when the internal channels were used, when it was generally one or two months before the lesions appeared. When the lesions are on the skin or when the inoculation is done there, the first manifestations of lesions are characterized by a slight thickening of the subcutaneous tissue, which, little by little, becomes more consistent, giving place to a tumoral growth which attains great volume and characterizes the most developed phase. The lesions, when metastatic, are localized mostly in the tegumentary extremities and periarticular zones, having the same appearance as the lesions observed by other researchers who have studied the infection of hamsters, mice and dogs infected by L. donovani, L. infantum and L. tropica. The experiments carried out in all the tumoral lesions in guinea-pigs, were positive for leishmania, where they were found free in the tissues or parasitizing large macrophagi. At times the tumors ulcerate and become covered with a crusty layer, easily detachable, covering a rosy surface of granulomatosis aspect. The spleen and lymphatic ganglia are the internal organs which most react, hypertrophy always being present, and it has been possible to re-isolate the parasite of these organs as well as those of the liver, suprarenal, testicle, medulla of the bones and cardiac blood. A series of sixty guinea-pigs were inoculated in the skin of the nose and sacrificed within anything from a few minutes' up to twenty-four hours' interval. The material obtained from these animals was fixed in Bouin-Hollande, included in paraffin and coloured by hematoxilin-eosine and Maxinow's hematoxilin-azur II-eosine. The study of the histological cuts in the different periods of evolution showed that the inflammatory process passes through a series of modifications which start by an acute inflammatory phase followed by a simple granulomatosis phase, finally followed by another characterized exclusively by large parasitized macrophagi - the macrophagi phase. During the period of evolution of the inflammatory lesion, the infiltrative phenomena are constant and are at first constituted of granulocited neutrophils, eosinophils and mononuclear cells, followed by a preponderance of monocytes and lastly by the sole presence of large parasitized macrophagi. The author compares his findings in the guinea-pigs with those in other animals inoculated with different strain of Leishmania, calling attention to a real dermatropism of the parasite under study to its dissemination through the lymphatic channels and to the histologycal lesions identical to those other leishmaniosis, principally by those produced by L. tropica.
  • Sobre a Dosagem Fotométrica do Cobre em Águas

    Spitzner, Reinaldo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The author presents an analytic process for copper quantitative determination in mineral and potable waters, based in the reaction of the cation copper with sodium diethyl-dithio carbamate. Due to the presence of certain elements common in water, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, etc., the main principles of the reactions behavior were studied. In the same manner the reaction sensibility was verified, as well as its precision, by the addition of known quantities of copper. About the end of the work presented, there are shown some copper determinations made through the mentioned process with mineral and potable waters of Paraná.
  • Contribuição ao Estudo da Planície Litorânea do Estado do Paraná

    Bigarella, João José

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present paper contains an approach to systematize the study of the State of Paraná coastal plains, in the southern part of Brazil. It contains in general some geographical and geological data, documented by maps, sketches and photographs. In the initial stage the coastal plain represents a marine ingression, caused by faulting. This ingression penetrated the valleys of a not yet determinated geological landscape. Ended the movement of deeping by faulting begins the epirogenic ascension and building of the barriers and beach ridges. An intensive sedimentation caused the lagoons and bays obstruction. This work refers mainly to t33 he sedimentary formations and the coastal plains is classified in the following way for the study in consideration to the morphology and origin: Marine sedimentation - shore, barrier and beach ridge; Intermediary sedimentation - mangrove swamps, mud and sand banks and mangrovito; Continental sedimentation - dunes and terrestrial alluvion. There are also presented some data about the rocky coast and vegetation.
  • Análises de Alguns Calcáreos Paranaenses

    Leprevost, Alsedo

    Resumo em Português:

    Apesar da natural existência de grande oscilação em todos os teores, em uma mesma jazida, das análises expostas na tabela anexa podemos concluir que: 1) as amostras com teor MgO até 3%, representam 52,58% do total das análises; de 3 até 5, 7,62%; de 5 até 10, 6,77%; e acima de 10, 33,05%. 2) com teor em insolúvel até 5%, 54,23%; de 5 até 10, 16,10%; e acima de 10, 27,96%. 3) das análises em que se fez a dosagem do MnO, 47,27% deram resultado negativo. 4) com exceção da maior parte dos calcáreos brancos, todos os outros contém carbono grafítico. 5) os calcáreos da zona de Itaiacoca, Município de Ponta Grossa, além da mistura com silicato de magnésio, estão acompanhados de Mg (OH)² em teores variáveis. 6) apesar de algumas amostras de grandes jazidas apresentarem boa pureza, mister se torna um estudo rigoroso e completo das mesmas, de acordo com a finalidade, pois nelas existe grande variação, principalmente quanto ao MgO. 7) em virtude de terem sido as análises feitas em material na sua maioria enviado a este Instituto, as porcentagens calculadas nos itens acima referem-se somente às mesmas, não representando uma média no Estado.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    We may conclude that, in the analyses presented in the enclosed table, besides the natural existence in the same bearing, a great oscillation in every percentage: 1) the samples with quantity in MgO up to 3%, represent 58,59%, of the total analyses; from 3 to 5, 7,62%; from 5 to 10, 6,77%; and above 10, 33,05%. 2) with quantity insoluble up to 5%, 54,23%; from to 10, 16,10%; and above 10, 27, 96%. 3) of the analyses in which the dosage was made of the MnO, 47,27% gave negative result. 4) with the exception of the larger part of the white calcareous, every other one contain graphitic carbon. 5) the calcareous found in the Itaiacoca region, Ponta Grossa County, besides the mixture of magnesium silicate, there an Mg (OH)² in variable quantities. 6) although some samples found in large bearing have presented good purity, it is necessary a complete rigorous study of the samples, according to the purpose, for there exist in them a large variety, mainly in MgO. 7) due to the fact that the analyses were made with material largely send to this Instituto, the percentages figured in the above items refer only to the samples mentioned, and not an average in the State of Paraná..
  • Sobre a Padronização de um Método Prático Para a Dosagem da Cafeína

    Bührer, Nilton E.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this work the author puts in evidence a practical and at the same time rapid method for the determination of the cafein quantity in erva-mate, that may be utilized to perfection in food and industrial analyses or others that not demand scientific rigour. The author presents a description of the method and makes a comparison with the classical method of Grandval-Lajoux, showing that the differences between the one and the other are practically nil. In conclusion, the result of the three analyses of the same sample of erva-mate, made by the Grandval-Lajoux method are cited, show that the same differences appear as those shown between the rapid method suggested by the author and the classical method. In this case, the maximum difference was 0,06% and the minimum 0,01%.
  • Contribuição ao Conhecimento dos Solos dos Campos Gerais no Estado do Paraná

    Bodziak Jr., Carlos; Maack, Reinhard

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present work is the first contribution for the knowledge of the Campos Gerais soils, the study of which was started by the Biological Institute and Technological Research, in Curitiba. In it there are discussed the soils of the Vila Velha region. Exposed the geological constitution of the landscape integrated by devonian beds in the Campos Gerais serie and the glacial deposits of the Itararé formation, the results of petrographic-sediment researches and the coefficients of selection of various sediments are given. A rapid exposition of the phytogeographic and climate conditions - according to Koeppen = 7 Cfb - is followed by the presentation of the results of the physical and chemical researches made in the soils of eight profiles, illustrated with the corresponding charts and by volumetric-chemical diagrams. The authors came to the conclusion that the part of Campos Gerais here taken into consideration is characterized by poor and washed soils, motivated by geological and climatic conditions. These soils lack specially in phosphorus, calcium, nitrogen and potassium. Two of the profiles constituted exception as they correspond to the area covered by a forest island, therefore, showing its soils in a little better condition.

    Resumo em de:

    Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt den ersten Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Böden der Campos Gerais dar, deren systematische Untersuchung seitens des I. B. P. T. in Curitiba in Angriff genommen wurde. Es werden hier die Böden der Vila Velha-Zone behandelt. Nach Darlegung des geologischen Baues der Landschaft, an dem devonische Schichten der Serie dos Campos Gerais und Glazialschichten der Formation Itararé teilnehmen, werden die sediment-petrografischen Untersuchungs-Ergebnisse und die Selektions-Koeffizienten der einzelnen Sedimente angegeben. Nach einem Überblick über die fitogeografischen Verhältnisse und das Klima - 7 Cfb-Klima nach Koeppen - werden die physikalischen und chemischen Untersuchungs-Ergebnisse der Böden für 8 Profile mitgeteilt und durch die entsprechenden Tabellen, sowie physisch-volumetrischen und chemisch-volumetrischen Diagramme erläutert. Die Verfasser kommen zu dem Ergebnis, dass der behandelte Teil der Campos Gerais geologisch und klimatisch bedingte arme und ausgelaugte Böden aufweist, denen insbesondere Phosphor, Kalk, Stickstoff und Kali fehlt. Eine Ausnahme hiervon bilden nur zwei Bodenprofile, die auf eine ehemalige Waldinsel entfallen und etwas bessere Böden zeigen.
  • Regra Prática Para a Limitação das Repetições nas Medidas Físico-Químicas

    Schwab, Arthur O.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In order to obtain a limitation of the number of repetitions in physico-chemical measurements, the author proposes formula 8 of this paper. delta is the difference between the maximum and minimum value of the measurements (form. 3) and A the approximation desired or imposed.
  • Breves Notícias Sobre a Geologia dos Estados do Paraná e Santa Catarina

    Maack, Reinhard

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The present short survey of the geology of the States of Paraná and Santa Catarina was written as a text to accompany sketches for the revision of the GEOLOGICAL MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA. It contains the results of geologic research up to the year 1947 in most concise form, without going into detail. As requested, the occurrence of useful minerals was not considered in the summary, and the list of bibliographical references has been condensed to the uttermost. Inasmuch as the author treated the Passa Dois Series in more detail, due to the reorganization of the Gondwana beds, the Archean and the Algonkian had to be reduced to the minimum. This was possible, since the innumerable details of the phenomena in the crystalline complex could not be represented in a geologic map of the given scale. The reorganization of the geologic constituents of Paraná and Santa Catarina is summarized in Stratigraphic Table nº 2, and is explained by the enclosed sketches.

    Resumo em de:

    Die vorliegende kurze Übersicht zur Geologie der Staaten Paraná und Santa Catarina wurde als Begleittext zur Skizze für die Revision der GEOLOGICAL MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA verfasst. Sie enthält die Ergebnisse der geologischen Forschung bis zum Jahre 1947 in gedrängtester Form, wobei auf Einzelheiten nicht eingegangen wird. Auf ausdrücklichen Wunsch sind die Vorkommen nutzbarer Mineralien in der Übersicht nicht berücksichtigt, und auch das Literatur-Verzeichnis auf das Äusserste eingeschränkt worden. Da der Verfasser im Hinblick auf die Neugliederung der Gondwana-Schichten die Serie Passa Dois etwas eingehender behandelte, mussten dafür Archaeikum und Algonkium auf das Mindestmass gekürzt werden. Das war dadurch möglich, dass bei den mannigfachen Einzelheiten der Erscheinungen im kristallinen Komplex diese bei dem für die geologische Karte vorgesehenen Masstab doch nicht dargestellt werden konnten. Die Neugliederung der geologischen Baustoffe von Paraná und Santa Catarina ist in der stratigrafischen <A HREF="#tab02">Tabelle nº 2</A> zusammengefasst und wird durch die beigefügten Skizzen erläutert.
  • Fauna Parasitológica Paranaense: IV. Lista Prévia da Ocorrência de Helmintos em Animais Domésticos

    Giovannoni, Milton; Kubiak, Gastão V. L.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The authors present a list of helmints found in 161 necropsis, performed in the Instituto de Biologia e Pesquisas Tecnológicas, employing animals relieved from other services. In a table, are assembled the data in groups, used to call the attention of the technicians from the Animal Sanitary Defense for their observation.
  • A presença da Galactoquinase em Tecidos Animais

    Bacila, Metry

    Resumo em Português:

    O autor relata trabalhos experimentais que o levaram a concluir pela existência da galactoquinase em tecidos animais, explicando desta maneira, que a primeira fase do metabolismo intermediário da galactose nos mesmos é a sua esterificação, em presença do ATP e da enzima em questão, ativada pelo magnésio, para galactose-1-fosfato.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The author relates experimental work which lead him to conclude for the presence of galactokinase in animal tissues, explaining in this way that the first step of the galactose intermediary metabolism is its esterification, in the presence of ATP and the enzyme in question, activated by magnesium to galactose-1-phosphate.
  • Contribuição ao levantamento fitossanitário do Estado do Paraná

    Vellozo, Lycio G. C.; Nowacki, M. J.; Vernalha, M. M.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A previous report of plants diseases, observed at the Division of Plant Biology of the Instituto de Biologia e Pesquisas Tecnológicas - Paraná - Brasil, during the years 1946-1950.
  • Contribuição ao conhecimento da incidência da brucelose no Estado do Paraná (Brasil)

    Palmquist, Oscar K.

    Resumo em Português:

    O rebanho bovino paranaense apresenta um índice de brucelose relativamente alto, particularmente no Norte e Leste do Estado. O gado leiteiro revelou um índice de 7,90%, com um foco grave no Município de Castro (29,92%). Bovinos criados em regime extensivo de pastagens naturais se apresentam com menor grau de infecção, pois a maior incidência foi encontrada no Norte do Estado, onde, regra geral, os campos são constituídos de pastos artificiais.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The author carried out an examination of brucellosis on the cattle of the State of Paraná (Brazil). In cow milk, an incidence of 7,90 percent was found, but a severe focus was located in Castro county (29,92 percent). In cattle, breaded extensively, the incidence was 16,49 percent. An higher percentage was located particular in the vicinity of the State of São Paulo, in which the livestock in general are kept on artificial pasturages. Sixty breeding farms were visited and 1716 samples of serum,sera from cattle were examined, as well as 797 sera from cow’s milk.
  • Contribuição ao Conhecimento da Incidência de Leptospiras em Murídeos, Caninos e Suínos no Paraná

    Enrietti, Marcos Augusto

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This research carried out in the city of Curitiba took us to the following conclusions: 1) In the main zone of Curitiba city the leptospirosis index among the rats captured reached 78 percent. This index represent the greatest incidence verified till the present moment in Brazil. 2) The ‘Rattus norwegicus’ was the chief species among those rats (96 percent). 3) According to the results presented, the culturing methods are preferable to the inoculating one. 4) The combination of these two simple methods is more advantageous in the leptospira research.
Instituto de Tecnologia do Paraná - Tecpar Rua Prof. Algacyr Munhoz Mader, 3775 - CIC, 81350-010 Curitiba PR Brazil, Tel.: +55 41 3316-3052/3054, Fax: +55 41 3346-2872 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil