The occurrence of Tosia parva (Perrier, 1881), Marginaster pectinatus Perrier, 1884 and Ldbidiaster radiosus Liltken, 1871 in the South Atlantic region is registered for the first time. The new varieties, Phrixometra longispina brasiliensis var. n., and Holothuria (Vaneyothuria) lentiginosa brasiliensis var. n., are de scribed. The genus Calliophidiaster Tommasi, 1970 is redescribed and its differences with Linckia Nardo, 1934, are reinforced. Ophiomyxa vivipara Studer, 1886 and Ophiura fallax Cherbonnier, 1959 are de scribed for the first time from Brazil. Amphiura iraciae sp. n. and A. rosae sp. n. are described.