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The dilemmas of the professionals of the intensive care unit in face of the terminality


The intensivists are in a context that involves terminality and its bioethical impasses. This article presents the results of a field study, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, carried out with 12 intensivists of a state public hospital. A sociodemographic questionnaire and a semi structured interview, recorded in audio and later transcribed, were used for the research. Content analysis was performed using the Iramuteq software to treat the collected data. The study shows that the professionals understand the end of life and the resulting ethical dilemmas in a superficial way, lacking the basis for the decisions about the best therapy for the patient. It was possible to perceive that the experiences of professionals are permeated by different difficulties and feelings. It is necessary that there be investment in continuing education to work on the themes of bioethics and terminality. Aprovação CEP-Uespi 2.153.848

Bioethics; Intensive care units; Hospice care

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