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Assisted suicide and euthanasia from the perspective of professionals and academics in a university hospital


The objective of this study was to identify the attitude of professionals and academics in a university hospital regarding assisted suicide and euthanasia. The study was conducted using a questionnaire and included 354 participants. In cases of patients with terminal illnesses, 68.1% of participants supported the legalization of assisted suicide and 73.2% supported the legalization of euthanasia. The support for legalization of assisted suicide or euthanasia was 46.9% in cases of patients with progressive neurodegenerative diseases and 30.8% in cases of tetraplegia. In cases of terminal illnesses, if those were legalized, 45% of participants would commit assisted suicide, 57% would request euthanasia, 36.5% would aid in assisted suicide and 39.9% would aid in euthanasia. In conclusion, the great support for legalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide among the participants emphasizes the need to broaden the discussion on the subject in the population.

Suicide assisted; Euthanasia; Right to die; Attitude to death; Bioethics

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