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Overdiagnosis and its implications in Clinical Engineering


The objective of this study was to analyze the indiscriminate use of medical technologies could cause damage. The methodology involved a literature review of the use of technologies that can precociously detect diseases, generating premature diagnoses, unnecessary actions and burden health systems. Resulting in guidelines that seek the rational use of medical technologies to ensure access to those who really will benefit and protect those who do not need to be exposed to risk. The objective of Clinical Engineering is to help and even intervene in the health sector aiming for wellbeing, safety, cost reduction and quality in health services. Health care costs have been increasing drastically and are a global concern. Financial resources are finite compared to the numerous technological resources. Ethical and bioethical issues that should support the policies and practices of health professionals were considered in the end.

Biomedical engineering; Health systems; Bioethics and biomedical technology

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