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360º AUDIOVISUAL JOURNALISM: a study on user perceptions of sense of presence and credibility

JORNALISMO AUDIOVISUAL EM 360°: estudo sobre a percepção dos usuários acerca da sensação de presença e da credibilidade

PERIODISMO AUDIOVISUAL EN 360°: estudio sobre la percepción de los usuarios sobre la sensación de presencia y credibilidad


The increasing use of high technology in journalism has led to new formats of content production. In this paper, we focus on one of these formats: 360° audiovisual reports. This format uses virtual reality (VR) and aims to produce a certain sense of presence in virtual environments. We seek to understand the relationship between this sense of presence and credibility, in addition to identifying which user perceptions may be linked to credibility. Our methodology involved developing a reception study which included experimental research, conducting interviews, and applying a questionnaire. The results point to a positive correlation between the variables, reinforcing relationships pointed at in other studies and demonstrating the importance of perceptions like freedom of choice, less manipulation/more transparency, and sensationalism.

Key words
Sense of presence; Credibility; Virtual reality; 360° audiovisual journalism

Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Jornalismo (SBPJor) Secretaria da SBPJor, Faculdade de Comunicação, Universidade de Brasília(UnB)., ICC Norte, Subsolo, Sala ASS 633 - cep: 70910-900, Brasília - DF / Brasil - Brasília - DF - Brazil