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Hayman’s diallel analysis of traits related to the production and quality of papaya fruit


In papaya, information on the genetic control of traits related to the production and fruit quality are still scarce. In this sense, this study estimated genetic parameters and analyzed the inheritance of traits related to the production and quality of papaya fruit through complete diallel cross (F1's, reciprocal and parents). The number of commercial fruit, fruit weight, fruit yield, thickness of the pulp, firmness of the fruit and the soluble solids content were quantified. Number of commercial fruit, firmness of the fruit and the total soluble solids content had no significant effect in the three sufficiency tests of the additive-dominant model. The estimate of the average degree of dominance indicated partial dominance between alleles that act in the genetic control of the three traits. There was predominance of effects associated with additive components compared to the components associated with dominance effects for the three traits. For the number of marketable fruits and fruit firmness, predominant, but not exclusive recessive alleles, work to increase the mean value of this variable. In turn, for soluble solids content, predominant, but not exclusive dominant alleles, work to increase the mean value of this variable.

Key words:
Carica papaya ; genetic control; hybridization; plant breeding

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil