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Coffee breeding: XXII - Results from the regional coffee selection trial from campinas

Coffee mother tree selection and progeny tests are being carried on at five localities in S. Paulo. In order to test the most promising progenies simultaneously at these localities, five coffee regional selection trials were planted in 1951 at the experimental stations of the Instituto Agronômico located at Campinas, Ribeirão Prêto, Pindorama, Mococa and Jaú. Data referring to the first six consecutive yielding years from the Campinas trial are here discussed. This trial comprises 100 entries, corresponding to selected progenies of the cultivars 'Mundo Novo', 'Bourbon Amarelo', 'Bourbon Vermelho', 'Caturra Amarelo', 'Caturra Vermelho' and 'Sumatra' and tester, unselected progenies of each one of these cultivars. Four strains of typica variety were also taken as a general standard in order to measure the selection progress. Besides the yield, expressed in kg of cherries and clean coffee, data were gathered referring to vegetative vigor, plant height, diameter of the plant at 50 cm from the soil, percentage of normal flat beans, peaberry and elephant seeds, seed weight and density, and also information about symptoms of zinc deficiency and frost damage. Progenies of the cultivars 'Mundo Novo', 'Bourbon Amarelo' and 'Bourbon Vermelho' presented different yielding levels. The total (1954-1959) average yield of 'Mundo Novo' progenies was 9.81 kg of clean coffee per plot (plots of one single hole with four seedlings) while 'Bourbon Amarelo' progenies yielded 8.33 kg and 'Bourbon Vermelho' progenies, only 6.39 kg of clean coffee. 'Caturra Vermelho' gave 6.29 kg, while the 'Caturra Amarelo' progenies yielded 7.20 kg. Comparisons between means indicated significant differences for the 'Mundo Novo' group of progenies. All 15 'Mundo Novo' selected progenies produced significantly more than the average standard of this cultivar. Among the 'Bourbon Amarelo' progenies only 6 in 13 yielded more than the average standard and among the 51 'Bonbon Vermelho' progenies only 7 (13%) have higher yields than the average standard of the group. A comparison of the two 'Caturra Amarelo' and the three 'Caturra Vermelho' progenies indicated that the former ones are higher yielding, and that the 'Caturra Amarelo' progenies produce more clean coffee than the 'Bourbon Vermelho'. All 84 selected progenies of this regional coffee selection trial produced significantly more than the average 'Típica' standard, indicating good progress in the selection. The highest yielding 'Mundo Novo' progenies MP 376-4 and CP 379-17 yielded, respectively, 191 and 172 per cent more than the 'Típica' progenies. Besides being better yielders the 'Mundo Novo' group of progenies present trees of better vegetative vigor, bigger size and tree diameter, and larger and heavier seeds. The best yielding progenies of this group gave also high percentages of normal flat beans. A comparison of the progenies of the yellow and red Bourbon and yellow and red Caturra groups, seems to point out that the yellow fruited ones are higher yielding, more vigorous, present a better out-turn, lighter seeds with a higher density, less zinc deficiency symptoms and higher frost resistance. The data also indicated that a significant progress can be obtained by selecting progenies with higher percentage of flat beans, larger and heavier seeds, with higher density. The basic information obtained on the yelding capacity of 'Mundo Novo' progenies in the regional trial at Campinas is being used as a basis for recommending the most promising ones for the establishment of new coffee plantings in this region.

Instituto Agronômico de Campinas Avenida Barão de Itapura, 1481, 13020-902, Tel.: +55 19 2137-0653, Fax: +55 19 2137-0666 - Campinas - SP - Brazil