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Nutritional status of micronutrients in children according to personal and daycare center characteristics


This study aimed to verify the differences in the nutritional status of micronutrients in children according to personal and daycare center characteristics. Also, to test the behavior of these differences according to the linear growth. This cross-sectional study with 271 children assisted at daycare centers. The mean hemoglobin, serum zinc, and serum retinol concentrations (± EP) were 11.79 g/dL (± 1.08); 81.58 µg/dL (± 16.56) and 1.68 μmol/L (± 0.45), respectively, being lower in children aged 9-24 months and in those studying in classrooms with inadequate area. Children with eosinophilia and in part-time regimen had statistically lower hemoglobin and zinc concentrations. Poliparasitism was associated with lower hemoglobin and retinol concentrations. According to the linear growth, children with specific conditions (girls, over 24 months of age, residence in the urban area, with no poliparasitism) had lower zinc concentrations when diagnosed with stunting, compared to those with normal height. In conclusion, the children studied showed differences in the nutritional status of micronutrients influenced by parasitic processes and structural problems of kindergartens. Still, they settled differences related to child linear growth.

nutritional status; micronutrient deficiencies; risk factors; child, preschool; child day care centers

Instituto de Estudos em Saúde Coletiva da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Avenida Horácio Macedo, S/N, CEP: 21941-598, Tel.: (55 21) 3938 9494 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil