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On a discrete West Nile epidemic model


A West Nile epidemic model in discrete-time is proposed. The model consists of two interacting populations, the vector and the avian populations. The avian population is classified into susceptible, infective, and recovered classes while an individual vector is either susceptible or infective. The transmission of the disease is assumed only by mosquitoes bites and vertical transmission in the vector population. The model behavior depends on a lumpedparameter R0. The disease-free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable if R0 < 1. The system is uniformly persistent and possesses a unique endemic equilibrium if R0 > 1. Consequently, the disease can persist in the populations if R0 > 1.

West Nile virus; uniform persistence; Liapunov function

On a discrete West Nile epidemic model

Sophia R.-J. Jang

Department of Mathematics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA 70504-1010 U.S.A. E-mail:


A West Nile epidemic model in discrete-time is proposed. The model consists of two interacting populations, the vector and the avian populations. The avian population is classified into susceptible, infective, and recovered classes while an individual vector is either susceptible or infective. The transmission of the disease is assumed only by mosquitoes bites and vertical transmission in the vector population. The model behavior depends on a lumpedparameter R0. The disease-free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable if R0 < 1. The system is uniformly persistent and possesses a unique endemic equilibrium if R0 > 1. Consequently, the disease can persist in the populations if R0 > 1.

Mathematical subject classification: 92D25, 92D40, 39A11.

Key words: West Nile virus, uniform persistence, Liapunov function.

1 Introduction

West Nile virus (WNV) is a kind of arthropod-borne virus that are maintained in nature through biological transmission between susceptible vertebrate hosts and blood-feeding arthropods such as mosquitoes. Vertebrates can become infected when an infected arthropod bites them to take a blood meal. The susceptible vectors then become infected once feed on an infected host.

WNV was first isolated from a woman in the West Nile District of Uganda in 1937 and has emerged in recent years in many regions of the United States and Canada. The disease presents a threat and challenge to public and animal health. West Nile virus has been detected in dead birds of at least 138 species. Although birds, particularly crows and jays, infected with the virus can die or become ill, most infected birds do survive. We refer the reader to for more information about the virus history and its ecology.

Since data collected for the West Nile virus are usually discrete, we develop a discrete-time West-Nile model to investigate evolution of the disease between mosquitoes and bird reservoir hosts. Discrete time West Nile models have been studied in [15, 17]. However, our modeling assumptions are different from that given in [15, 17]. In [15] the vector population is partitioned into larval, susceptible, exposed, and infective classes, and all the newborns are in the larval class, while in [17] the vector population also has an exposed compartment and there is no vertical transmission. Moreover, our incidence rate is different from that studied in [15, 17]. Our model derivation is based on a recent continuous-time model proposed by Cruz-Pacheco et al. [5]. Although other vertebrates such as horses and humans do become infected, these populations are not modeled here.

The resulting epidemic model is a four-dimensional system of difference equations. Sufficient conditions for which solutions remain nonnegative are derived. It is shown that the disease-free equilibrium always exists. Its stability depends on a threshold R0. The disease-free equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable if R0 < 1 and unstable if R0 > 1. There exists a unique endemic equilibrium and the system is uniformly persistent when R0 > 1. Consequently, the WNV can persist if R0 > 1. When there is no disease related death for the avian population, it can be shown that the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable for R0< 1.

In the following section, model derivation will be presented. Section 3 provides stability analysis of the model. Numerical simulations and a brief summary are given in the last section.

2 Model derivation

Our model consists of two interacting populations: birds and mosquitoes. The transmission of the disease is only by mosquitoes bites and vertical transmission in the vector population. Let Na(t) and Nv(t) denote the avian and vector populations at time t, respectively for t = 0, 1, ¼. We assume that the mosquito population under the period of study is a constant, Nv, and the bird population has a constant recruitment rate La per unit time due to birth and immigration. However, the new arrival birds are all susceptible. The death rates of avian and vector populations are denoted by µa and µv, respectively.

For simplicity, the birth rate of the vector population is µv which is the same as its death rate. That is, µv is the number of births per individual per unit time for the mosquito population. It is also assumed that the bird population in the absence of the disease is governed by the difference equation Na(t + 1) = La + (1 - µa)Na(t). As a result, the bird population in the absence of the disease will always stabilize at the level (La)/(µa).

Similar to the idea used by Kermack and McKendrick [12] for modeling epidemics, the avian population at time t is separated into three compartments: susceptible Sa(t), the healthy susceptible individuals who can contract the disease, infectives Ia(t), the individuals who are infected and are infectious, and recovered Ra(t), who are cured. That is, Na(t) = Sa(t) + Ia(t) + Ra(t) for t > 0. Since mosquitos have short life span, the vector population at any given time t is only classified into susceptible, Sv(t), and infectives, Iv(t). There is no recovered class for the vector population and Sv(t) + Iv(t) = Nv > 0 for t > 0.

Let b be the average number of bites per mosquito per unit time. The transmission probability from vectors to birds and from birds to vectors are constants and denoted by ba and bv, respectively. Hence a bird receives on average b bites per unit time. Therefore the infection rate per susceptible bird is

and the infection rate per susceptible mosquito is

We assume that the infected birds are recovered at a constant rate ga, and let aa be the disease related death rate for the avian population. From the data given in [13, 16] (cf. [5]) it is reasonable to assume that

(H1) aa < ga.

We remark that assumption (H1) may not be satisfied for some spices of birds such as American crow and blue jay. However, many other species of birds such as common grackle, house sparrow, European starling etc. do have small WNV mortality ([13]), and consequently (H1) will fit in to these particular species of birds.

Notice the average infectious period for an infected bird is

Furthermore, it is assumed that all these parameters La, µa, µv, b, ba, bv, Nv, ga and aa are positive. Since vertical transmission of the vector population has been found as an important mechanism in maintaining the virus in natural populations [3, 7, 10], we assume a constant fraction p, 0 < p < 1, of the offspring of the infectious vectors is infectious. Under these biological assumptions, the interaction between vector and avian populations are given below:

Notice as the birth and death rates of the vector population are the same and offsprings of susceptible mosquitoes are born susceptible, the equation for Sv has the above form.

Discrete time epidemic models have been studied by Allen [1, 2], Lewis et al. [15], Thomas and Urena [17], and more recently by Franke [9] on periodic epidemic models. In [1, 2], the models are expressed in terms of time unit Dt and nonnegativity of the solutions are derived using the quantity Dt and model parameters. Since data for the West Nile epidemics given in the literature [3, 5, 7, 10, 16] are in terms of days, our time unit is taken to be a day and model (2.1) does not involve time unit Dt as in [1, 2]. We now impose the following conditions on the parameters so that solutions of (2.1) will remain nonnegative as shown in Proposition 2.1.

(H2) bbaNv < La, ga+ µa+ aa< 1, bbv< 1, and µv< 1.

We remark that the first three conditions in (H2) imposed on the parameters are reasonable restrictions. For example, since the time unit is taken to be one day, then according to the data given in [5, 16], we have ba = 1, b = 0.75, and the maximum values of bv is 0.68, of ga is 0.36, of aa is 0.19, of µa is 0.0004, and of µv is 0.06 for a variety of bird species such as blue jay, common grackle, American crow, house sparrow, American robin, rock dove etc. and different species of mosquitos. Therefore the first three conditions in (H2) are easily satisfied. However, we would need the total population of vector to be small or the new arrival of birds to be large in our study for the last inequality in (H2) to be true.

Proposition 2.1. Solutions of system (2.1) remain nonnegative and are bounded.

Proof. Let (Sa(t), Ia(t), Ra(t), Na(t), Sv(t), Iv(t)) be a solution of (2.1) with Sa(0), Ia(0), Ra(0), Sv(0), Iv(0) > 0 and Na(0) > 0. It is sufficient to prove nonnegativity for t = 1. Since Sa(0) + Ia(0) + Ra(0) = Na(0) > 0 and Sv(0) + Iv(0) = Nv > 0, Sa(1) > La + (1 - µa)Sa(0) - bbaIv(0) > Lv + (1 - µa)Sa(0) - bbaNv > (1 - µa)Sa(0) > 0 by (H2) and (H3). It is clear that Ia(1), Ra(1) > 0 by (H3). Moreover, Sv(1) > Sv(0) + (1 - pvIv(0) - bbvSv(0) > 0 by (H4). Similarly, Na(1) > La + (1 - µa - aa)Na(0) > La and Iv(1) > 0 by (H3) and (H5), respectively. Therefore, solutions of (2.1) remain nonnegative by induction.

Notice Na(t + 1) < La + (1 - µa)Na(t) for t > 0 implies

As Sa(t), Ia(t), Ra(t) are nonnegative and satisfy Sa(t) + Ia(t) + Ra(t) = Na(t) for t > 0, we have

Moreover, since Sv(t + 1) + Iv(t + 1) = Nv for t > 0 and solutions remain nonnegative, Sv(t), Iv(t) < Nv for t > 0. Therefore, solutions of (2.1) are bounded.

It follows from the proof of Proposition 2.1 that Na(t) > La for t > 1 if Na(0) > 0. Therefore system (2.1) is well-defined. Furthermore, since Ia(t) + Sa(t) + Ra(t) = Na(t) and Sv(t) + Iv(t) = Nv for t > 0 from modeling assumptions, we are able to reduce the dimension of system (2.1) so that system (2.1) is equivalent to the following four-dimensional system of difference equations

3 Mathematical analysis

We first study the existence of steady state solutions of (2.2). Clearly there always exists a trivial steady state E0 = , the disease-free equilibrium. The Jacobian matrix of (2.2) evaluated at E0 has the following form

Let J1 be the lower 3 × 3 submatrix of J(E0). Then J1 is similar to

Therefore eigenvalues of J(E0) are 1 - µa of multiplicity 2 and eigenvalues of


tr J2 = 2 - ga - µa - aa - (1 - pv


Jury conditions imply that eigenvalues l of J2 satisfy |l| < 1 if and only if |tr J2| < 1 + det J2 < 2 [8]. It follows from (H2) that tr J2 > 0 and thus we need to verify tr J2 < 1 + det J2 < 2 for the local stability of E0.

Notice det J2 < 1 is trivially true and thus 1 + det J2 < 2 holds. To verify tr J2 < 1 + det J2 we shall separate our discussion into two cases: 0 < p < 1 and p = 1. When 0 < p < 1, a simple computation yields


It follows that E0 is locally asymptotically stable if R0 < 1, and unstable if R0 > 1. When p = 1,

Therefore tr J2 < 1 + det J2 if and only if

The above inequality is never valid. Therefore E0 is always unstable when p = 1.

Observe that can be interpreted as the number of infections produced by a single infected bird during its infectious period in a susceptible mosquito population when the avian population is stabilized at the population level Laa. Similarly, is the number of infections produced by a single infectious mosquito during its lifetime in a susceptible avian population. Therefore, , the geometric mean of these two quantities, may be regarded as the basic reproductive number of the disease.

We proceed to examine the existence of an interior steady state. An interior steady state (, , , ) must satisfy

Adding the first two equations of (3.5) resulting

La- µa - (ga + µa + aa) = 0.


A = ga + µa + aa.


and > 0 if and only if < . The third and fourth equilibrium equations imply


Substituting these into the second equilibrium equation we have for 0 < p < 1, > 0 must satisfy




f(0) =

and since A = aa + ga + µa,

When R0 < 1, < 0 and hence for f(x) to have at least one positive root in (0, La/A) it is necessary that

Notice that the last inequality is equivalent to , and

if and only if

bµabv - Aµv(1 - p)R0 + 2(µa + gav(1 - p) > 0.

Substituting R0 by the expression (3.4) and using (H2), one can see that the above inequality is trivially true. Therefore there exists no feasible solution for (3.6) in (0, La/A) if 0 < p < 1 and R0 < 1. Consequently, system (2.2) has no interior steady state if 0 < p < 1 and R0 < 1.

On the other hand if R0 > 1 then since > 0 and f(La/A) < 0, it is clear that (3.6) has a unique solution Î (0, La/A). As a result, system (2.2) has a unique endemic equilibrium E1 = (, , , ) if 0 < p < 1 and R0 > 1. If 0 < p < 1 and R0 = 1, then = 0 and f(x) = 0 has solutions 0 and -/Â. Notice = La(1 - pvaa - (1 - p)(µa + ga)Laµv - bLaµabv < 0 by (H1). If  > 0 then it is straightforward to show that -/ > La/A, and if  < 0 then it is trivial that -/ < 0. Therefore if 0 < p < 1 and R0 = 1, there is no feasible . We conclude that system (2.2) has no interior steady state if 0 < p < 1 and R0< 1, and has a unique endemic equilibrium if R0 > 1.

When p = 1, the threshold R0 in (3.4) is not defined and the Ia-component, > 0, of an interior steady state must satisfy (3.6) with


= -bLaµabv - b2babvµaNv.

Since  > 0, > 0 and f(La/A) < 0, f(x) = 0 has a unique solution in (0, La/A). Consequently, (2.2) has a unique endemic equilibrium E1 = (, , , ) when p = 1. Recall in this case that the disease-free equilibrium E0 = (Laa, 0, Laa, 0) is unstable. The above discussion is summarized below.

Proposition 3.1. If 0 < p < 1 and R0< 1, then E0 = (Laa, 0, Laa, 0) is the only equilibrium and E0 is locally asymptotically stable if R0 < 1. If 0 < p < 1 and R0 > 1, then E0 is unstable and system (2.2) has a unique interior steady state E1 = (, , , ). If p = 1, then E0 is unstable and E1 exists for (2.2).

Our next goal is to determine local stability of the steady state E1. When p = 1, it follows from (3.5) that = Nv. Therefore the Jacobian matrix of system (2.2) evaluated at E1 has the following form

Clearly 1 - bbv/ is an eigenvalue of J(E1) which is less than 1 but greater than zero by (H4). The upper 3 × 3 submatrix of J(E1) - lI is similar to the following matrix

Using the third row expansion we see that 1 - µa is another eigenvalue and the rest of the two eigenvalues satisfy

l2 + tr l + det = 0,


tr = bbaNv/ - 2 + µa + A


det = (1 - A)(1 - µa) - baabaNv / - (1 - A)bbaNv/.

Since det < 1, applying the Jury conditions, we need to very that -1 -det < tr < 1 + det . A straightforward calculation yields tr < 1 + det if and only if

Since < and A > aa, the above inequality is clearly true. Moreover, -1 - det < tr if and only if

This inequality also holds as A > aa and < . We now summarize our discussion in the following proposition.

Proposition 3.2. System (2.2) has steady states E0 = (Laa, 0, Laa, 0) and E1 = (, , , ) when p = 1, where E0 is unstable and E1 is locally asymptotically stable.

It is not easy to verify whether the endemic-equilibrium E1 is locally asymptotically stable when 0 < p < 1 and R0 > 1. We show that the disease can persist by showing that the system is uniformly persistent. We first briefly discuss terminology used in Hofbauer and So [11] which will be adopted for our analysis. Let (X, d) be a metric space and h : X ® X be continuous with a closed subspace Y such that X\Y is forward invariant under h. It is assumed that X has a global attractor . Let M be the maximal compact invariant set in Y. Then h is uniformly persistent (with respect to Y) i.e., there exists m > 0 such that lim inft ® ¥ d(ht(x), Y) > m for all x Î X \ Y if and only if M is isolated in and Ws(M) = {x Î X : ht(x) ® M as t ® ¥} Ì Y [11, Theorem 4.1].

Theorem 3.3. System (2.2) is uniformly persistent if either 0 <p < 1 and R0 > 1 or if p = 1.

Proof. Let X = and Y = ¶, the boundary of X. Let H denote the map induced by system (2.2). It follows from the proof of Proposition 2.1 that Sa(t), Ia(t), Na(t), Iv(t) > 0 for t > 1 if the initial condition is positive. Therefore X \ Y is positively invariant for system (2.2). Clearly system (2.2) has a global attractor and the only invariant set in Y is {E0}, which is moreover isolated in {(Sa, Ia, Na, Iv) Î : Sa + Ia < Laa, Na < Laa, Iv < Nv}.

To show Ws({E0}) Ì Y, suppose on the contrary that there exists a solution (Sa(t), Ia(t), Na(t), Iv(t)) with Sa(0) > 0, Ia(0) > 0, Na(0) > 0, and Iv(0) > 0 such that limt ® ¥ Sa(t) = limt ® ¥Na(t) = Laa and limt ® ¥ Ia(t) = limt ® ¥ Iv(t) = 0. Then for any > 0 there exists t0 > 0 such that

for t > t0. We first consider the case when 0 < p < 1 and R0 > 1. Since R0 > 1, we can choose > 0 such that

We have by system (2.2) that

for t > t0. Consider the following linear system

Let A denote the map induced by system (3.8). Notice each entry of A is positive and it follows from (3.7) that the spectral radius of A is larger than unity. Since x(t0) = Ia(t0) > 0 and y(t0) = Iv(t0) > 0, solutions of (3.8) are unbounded. As a result, Ia(t) and Iv(t) also become unbounded large as t ® ¥. We obtain a contradiction and conclude that Ws({E0}) Ì Y. Therefore, system (2.2) is uniformly persistent with respect to Y by [11, Theorem 4.1], i.e., there exists m > 0 such that lim inft ® ¥ Sa(t) > m, lim inft ® ¥ Ia(t) > m, lim inft ® ¥ Na(t) > m and lim inft ® ¥ Iv(t) > m for any solution (Sa(t), Ia(t), Na(t), Iv(t)) with positive initial condition. The case when p = 1 can be shown similarly using instability of E0.

Although it is known that the crow family of birds have very high WNV mortality rate, the mortality rate of some other species of birds such as house barrow and common grackle are usually very small. In particular, European starling, rock dove, American robin, and several other species of birds have zero WNV mortality rate as shown in an experimental study by Komar [13]. Therefore, it is reasonable to consider the special case when there is no WNV related mortality for the avian population. In this situation limt ® ¥ Na(t) = Laa and (2.2) has the following three-dimensional limiting system

Notice R0 becomes

We show that the disease-free equilibrium (Laa, 0, Laa, 0) is globally asymptotically stable for (2.2) if 0 < p < 1 and R0< 1.

Theorem 3.4. The disease-free equilibrium E0 = (Laa, 0, Laa, 0) is the only equilibrium which is moreover globally asymptotically stable for system (2.2) if aa= 0, 0 < p < 1, and R0< 1.

Proof. It is clear that (2.2) has only the disease-free equilibrium. Since Sa(t) + Ia(t) < Laa and Iv(t) < Nv for t > 0, we let

We construct a Liapunov function V

where nonnegative Ã, and will be determined later. Let G denote the map induced by system (3.9). Then V > 0 on D and

We choose à = 0. Then and must satisfy

We now let

Then and clearly satisfy the above inequalities as R0< 1. Hence V(G(Sa, Ia, Iv)) < V(Sa, Ia, Iv) and V is a Liapunov function on D.

Let = {(Sa, Ia, Iv) Î D : V(G(Sa, Ia, Iv)) = V(Sa, Ia, Iv)}. Then = {(Sa, Ia, Iv) Î D : Ia = Iv = 0} and the only invariant set in is (Laa, 0, 0). Therefore, (Laa, 0, 0) is globally asymptotically stable for system (3.9) by the LaSalle's invariance principle [8, 14]. Since the limiting system (3.9) has only one equilibrium which is moreover globally asymptotically stable when R0< 1, applying [6], we conclude that the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable for system (2.2) when aa = 0, 0 < p < 1, and R0< 1.

4 Discussion

It is showed in the previous section that the West Nile virus can be wiped out when R0< 1 and µa = 0, and the disease can persist within the populations when R0 > 1. Although it is proved that the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable if µa = 0, 0 < p < 1 and R0< 1, it is suspected that the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically when R0 < 1, µa > 0, and 0 < p < 1. Since stability analysis does not provide any information about the transient behavior of the model which may be very important in terms of eradication and management plans, we next use simple numerical methods to study (2.2).

To simulate model (2.2), we adopt the following parameter values: La = 140, ga = 0.1, aa = 0.1, µa = 0.02, b = 0.7, ba = 1.0, bv = 0.38, µv = 0.06, Nv = 200 and p = 0.2. Initial conditions are chosen to be Sa(0) = 1000, Ia(0) = 0, Na(0) = 1000 and Iv(0) = 100 for all simulations presented.Notice in this case that R0 = 0.5038 < 1 and system (2.2) has only the disease-free equilibrium. Simulations for this set of parameter values are plotted in Figure 1(a). Both infected populations go to a peak at approximately the same time before they are diminished. Therefore there is a serge of the disease for a short period of time even when R0 < 1.

We next keep the same parameter values but change bv from 0.38 to 0.78. Then R0 = 1.0341 > 1 and system (2.2) has a unique endemic equilibrium according to Theorem 3.3. The time evolution of the infected populations are plotted in Figure 1(b). It can be seen that both infected populations also increase before they decrease to the equilibrium levels for initial conditions with Iv(0) > 10. When 0 < Iv(0) < 10, then both infected populations increase to equilibrium levels with increasing time. It is known that vertical transmission of virus in the vector population is an important factor for contributing the spread of the disease [3, 7, 10]. We shall investigate this factor using our built model. We vary the parameter value p with the above fixed parameter values so that R0 > 1. When p = 0.2, it is calculated R0 = 1.0341, when p = 0.3, R0 = 1.1818, and R0 = 1.3788 when p = 0.4. The resulting time series of the infected mosquitoes and birds are plotted in Figure 1 (c) and (d) respectively. We see from these two plots that increasing the vertical transmission rate p increases the equilibrium levels and hence increases severity of the epidemics as the peaks of infectives increase with increasing p. However, the time that these peaks occurred is approximately independent of p.

In this manuscript, a simple West Nile epidemic model in discrete-time is proposed and analyzed. Our modeling assumptions are based on a continuous-time model developed by Cruz-Pacheco et al. [5]. In particular, the avian population in the absence of the disease is stabilized in a constant population level and the transmission of the virus is either through infected mosquito bites or natural birth of infected vectors. The dynamics of the epidemics depend on a lumped parameter R0. The disease-free equilibrium E0 is the only equilibrium and is locally asymptotically stable if R0 < 1. It is proved that E0 is globally asymptotically stable when there is no disease related mortality for the avian population and R0< 1. As a result, the disease can be wiped out in this special situation. However, the epidemic can persist if R0 > 1. From the data given in [5, 16], it is very often that R0 > 1 for many species of birds along with vertical transmission of the vector population. Therefore, very likely that the West Nile epidemic can persist in natural populations as it has been observed in recent years in the U.S.

It is demonstrated numerically via simulations that both infected populations increase initially even when R0 < 1 and the transient behavior of the model depends on initial conditions when R0 > 1. If the initial infected vector population is small, then both infected populations will increase until they reach the equilibrium levels. However, if the initial infected vector population is large, then both infected vector and host populations will reach a maximum number which is much larger than the equilibrium value in a short period of time before they decrease to the equilibrium levels as shown in Figure 1. Therefore in this situation there will be a severe outbreak of the disease in the beginning of the epidemic.


Received: 08/III/07. Accepted: 17/IV/07.


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Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    14 Nov 2007
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Mar 2007
  • Accepted
    17 Apr 2007
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