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Teoria pós-colonial e pensamento brasileiro na obra de Guerreiro Ramos: o pensamento sociológico (1953-1955)Post-colonial theory and brazilian thought in the works of Guerreiro Ramos: the sociological thinking (1953-1955)

La théorie post-coloniale et la pensée brésilienne dans l’oeuvre de Guerreiro Ramos: la pensée sociologique (1953-1955)

This article argues that the works of Guerreiro Ramos, in the 1950s, was developed based on a deliberate plan to create a post-colonial theory applied to Brazil. In this theory, the critical study of Brazilian social thought has a central role. In order to prove this hypothesis, I will reconstruct the intellectual path taken by Guerreiro during his work with IBESP, joining the logical reconstruction method with a historical-systematic method. I will ascertain the connections between his social theory and his critical texts on Brazilian sociological thinking.

Guerreiro Ramos; Post-colonial theory; Brazilian social thought; Brazilian political thought

Universidade Federal da Bahia - Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas - Centro de Recursos Humanos Estrada de São Lázaro, 197 - Federação, 40.210-730 Salvador, Bahia Brasil, Tel.: (55 71) 3283-5857, Fax: (55 71) 3283-5851 - Salvador - BA - Brazil