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When one word touches another: topogenesis and essays on the spatialization of the lives of babies and children and the right to (another) city. The unaccustomed in alleys


In this text, we want to dialogue about the spatialization of the lives of babies and children in the cities, from a look at urbanization and living in different territories. Our reflection is based on the condition of the alley, as an unaccustomed spatial expression, which has the strength and potency of childhood itself. We will thus tell the stories of the alleys, in the form of geographies, with children and babies, so that we can look at their spatial experiences and their right to the city. This paper is an encounter with others, a set of voices coming from other research, with academic authors and with the literature. It is an academic essay that addresses the central themes present in the title itself. And, in this perspective, thinking about the right to create another form of spatiality, in which the very condition of humanization and, in particular, the dimension of topogenesis is considered as one of the marks to be appreciated. We argue that the guarantee of the right to (another) city must have as a principle not only the so-called spatial autonomy, but, together with it, the guarantee of spatial authorship and development in its entirety.

Topogenesis; Spatialization of the lives of babies and children; Right to (another) the city; The unaccustomed in alleys

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul Av. Ipiranga, 6681 - Partenon, Cep: 90619-900, Tel: +55 51 3320 3681 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil