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School knowledge and emancipation: a post-foundational approach

This paper aims to analyse the articulation between school knowledge and emancipation in the curriculum field, using an epistemic post-foundational approach. Given that naming is a political act, the analysis confronts the challenge posed by the paradigmatic turn to the essentialist readings of the world. The article clarifies the dialogue established with the post-foundational studies and highlights their effects on the fixation of meaning of the significant emancipation. Then, it analyses the intellectual production amassed in the curricular field during the last decade, focusing on the hegemonic processes of signification for school knowledge and emancipation. Finally, the analysis seeks to reactivate other possible meanings of the relation at stake by opening lines of research, in order to continue thinking about the curricular field in a political manner, amid the disputes over the defining border of school knowledge.

Curriculum; School Knowledge; Emancipation; Post-Foundational Theories.

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