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Pride Parades and the Gay Marriage Law as Politicizing Events: Biographical Modulations among Gay Argentinean Men


In this paper, I analyze two politicizing events of contemporary sexual diversity in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, Argentina: pride parades and the enactment of the gay marriage law. From biographical interviews with gay men, I explore tensions involved in each event: between celebration and challenges, and between the private and the public. I conclude that it is necessary to understand these political measures and the marks they leave on biographies, as part of the complexity of political sociability.

Pride parades; Gay marriage; Sexual diversity; Politics; Biographical approach

Núcleo de Estudos de Gênero - Pagu Universidade Estadual de Campinas, PAGU Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz", Rua Cora Coralina, 100, 13083-896, Campinas - São Paulo - Brasil, Tel.: (55 19) 3521 7873, (55 19) 3521 1704 - Campinas - SP - Brazil