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Communication of workers'health issues using leaflets: the perspective of public agencies

This article presents part of the results of a study on communication practices through printed materials (leaflets, folders and posters) produced by public institutions regarding health and work themes. The objective is to offer theoretical and methodological subsidies for the improvement of communicative practices of the worker's health program. Results include the analysis of 80 printed materials produced by 5 institutions, and interviews with managers from the worker's health programs. We observed that questions related to the audience's segmentation are hardly focused by the emitting nucleus privileging their own perspective. The emitting nucleus' intentions are to inform their audience about health and illness processes related to work, to guide and prescribe norms and behavioral standards to be adopted for health promotion at work. Observed also that they only not presents an instrumental conception of education and communication, but also educational practices are addressed to the transmission of knowledge. The health concept adopted are argued in restricted way, reproducing discourses from the biomedical approach. Conclusions pointed that public instances tend to utilize printed material as an end to itself, increasing the distance between communicative nucleus.

Communicative process; Educative materials; Worker's Health; Communication in Health

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