1. Total population |
2010 |
Atlas of Human Development in Brazil1 |
Number of people residing in the municipality. |
75th percentile=31,003 inhabitants. |
2. % of the rural population |
2010 |
Atlas of Human Development in Brazil1 |
Percentage of people residing in the area outside urban limits. |
25th percentile=33.11% |
3. Municipal Human Development Index (MHDI) |
2010 |
Atlas of Human Development in Brazil1 |
Geometric average of the indices of the dimensions Income, Education and Longevity, with equal weights. This varies from 0 to 1, with higher values indicating a better situation. |
Categorized by international standard and dichotomized as low (<0,550) vs. high (>0,700) /medium (0,551-0,699) |
4. Gini index |
2010 |
Atlas of Human Development in Brazil1 |
Measures the degree of inequality in the distribution of household income per capita. Its value ranges from 0, when there is no inequality, to 1 when the inequality is maximum. |
25th percentile=0.4642 |
5. Average wage of formal workers |
2015 |
Average wage of formal workers, measured in number of minimum wages. |
75th percentile=1.7 minimum wages |
6. Illiteracy rate |
2010 |
Percentage of illiterates in the population of the municipality |
25th percentile=17.1% |
7. % of the population with running water |
2010 |
Atlas of Human Development in Brazil1 |
Percentage of the population of the municipality with access to running water |
25th percentile=85.4% |
8. % of the population with adequate sewerage |
2010 |
Atlas of Human Development in Brazil1 |
Percentage of the population of the municipality with access to adequate sewerage |
25th percentile=49.5% |
9. % of the population with electricity |
2010 |
Atlas of Human Development in Brazil1 |
Percentage of the population of the municipality with access to electricity |
25th percentile=98.8% |
10. SUS Performance Index (IDSUS) |
2010 |
Performance Index of the Public Health System4 |
Assesses the municipal performance of the SUS* regarding: universality of access, integrality, equality, resolvability and equity of care, decentralization with a single command by management level, tripartite responsibility, regionalization and hierarchy of the health service network. |
Categorized by national standard and dichotomized as 0.500-0.599 (low) vs. 0.600-0.699/0.700-0.799 (high/medium) |
11. Total health expenditure per inhabitant |
2016 |
SIOPS - Public Health Budget Information System5 |
Measures the dimension of total public health expenditure per inhabitant |
75th percentile=R$ 610.72 |
12. Number of doctors per thousand inhabitants |
2017 |
CNES - National Health Establishment Register6 |
Number of doctors per thousand inhabitants present in the municipality hired by the SUS |
75th percentile=0.79 |
13. % of the population with health insurance |
2017 |
Department of Primary Care - Ministry of Health7 |
Proportion of population of the municipality with health insurance |
75th percentile=3.03% |
14. FHS coverage |
2017 |
Department of Primary Care - Ministry of Health7 |
Percentage of coverage of the population of the municipality by teams of the family health strategy (FHS). |
75th percentile=100% |