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Approaches to determine priorities and to analyze problems of health with a look from the equity: experience in the local level in Venezuela

This article analyzes the application of the explanatory moment of the Strategic Situational Planning (SSP) and the Analysis of the Situation of Health (ASIS), as approaches that together, allow to prioritize with a look from the equity problems of health in the local level feasible of intervention. By using the case study developed in the parish Zuata of Aragua State, Venezuela, it can be observed the application of both approaches The main actors of the above mentioned parish prioritized the low coverage of drinkable water, like a health problem. On having analyzed the problem, the following causes were selected to prepare the proposed action: scarce community participation, weakness of governmental plans, absence of political town-planning, inadequate administration of the public resources and lack of conscience in the rational use of water. At the end one concludes that the joint PES-ASIS allows to generate inputs that concretized for the actors in an action plan, they can contribute in the reduction of inequities. Also, the active participation of the actors allows to demonstrate the real problems of the population and to construct a plan of demands.

Health planning and methods; Social inequity; Situational analysis; Strategic planning; Decision-making strategies; Local power

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