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Basic Care and Family Health Program (PSF): new ways to health policy and its financing?

This article examines the adopted strategy by federal and state SUS managers which gives priority to the destination of financial resources to the level of Basic Care and to Family Health Program (PSF). It is given special attention to the expansion of federal resources to municipalities, in a way of incentives directed to Basic Care and to PSF. The article also calls the attention to the states level of government allocation resources in this level of health care and in this program by identifying, particularly, the incentives ways from the states of Ceará, Mato Grosso and Rio Grande do Sul. Lastly, it is discussed some problems in Basic Care and PSF financing system in the level of municipalities, due to the instability of its own resources and to the consequences of the systematic way of federal and states incentives in the autonomy of local health system.

Health Basic Care; Family Health Program (PSF); PSF Financing System; PAB; Financial incentives

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