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This issue features 10 previously unpublished articles. In “The hermeneutical approach in Translation Studies”, Bernd Stefanink and Ioana Bălăcescu show how the hermeneutical approach can be useful for translation by considering aspects such as translator subjectivity, corporality, intuition and creativity. In “The translator-reader of Maurice Blanchot”, Davi Andrade Pimentel analyzes the importance of the role of the translator-reader in translating the work of the French writer Maurice Blanchot, based on a translation of the narrative Aminadab. In “Translating Gustave Akakpo’s À Petites Pierres: heterogeneous writing and the issue of proverbs”, Alice Maria Araújo Ferreira deals with the experience University of Brasilia French translation students had while translating Gustave Akakpo’s piece À Petites Pierres. In “Issues and challenges in translating indigenous languages: the case of Toba and Maká of the Gran Chaco Region (Argentina and Paraguay)”, Cristina Messineo and Temis Lucía Taccon approach the problems of translation as a cross-linguistic and intercultural activity based on an analysis of the Toba and Maká languages. In “Dialogues in translation: Augusto de Campos and Machado de Assis”, Diego do Nascimento Rodrigues Flores demonstrates procedures common to both Augusto de Campos and Machado de Assis in their respective translations of cantos from Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy. In “Translation in teaching/learning Latin: an analysis of several nominations of the translated text”, Danielle Chagas de Lima examines translation as a didactic tool in Latin courses, seeking to analyze certain adjectivizations of translation found in Classics course materials and their possible implications. In “Examining the use of translation memory systems in the translation classroom”, Marileide Dias Esqueda, Igor A. Lourenço da Silva and Érika Nogueira de Andrade Stupiello reflect on the impact of translation memory systems in the translation classroom in light of an activity involving legal-administrative texts for undergraduate English-Portuguese translation students. Based on a case study, Jean-François Brunelière’s “Business and Translation as Power Games: The Automotive Industry in Brazil” addresses issues related to corporate translation within Translation Studies, a field still underexplored. In “A curious fellow grapples with a historical curiosity”, Denise Bottmann addresses procedures for developing a historiography of translation in Brazil based on translations of Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment in the first half of the twentieth century. To conclude the article section, in “Literary Brazil in France (1950-2000): Internationalization and Reception Studies” Jose Lambert and Ocenilda Santana de Sousa analyze the position of Brazilian Letters in France, mainly during the second half of the twentieth century, in the light of concepts from Casanova. In the translated article section, Gilles Jean Abes presents his translation of Antoine Berman’s “La terre nourrice et le bord étranger”, which was first published in Communications, 43, 1986. The book review section includes Davi Gonçalves’ Interconnecting Translation Studies and Imagology, by Flynn, Doorslaer & Leerssen”; Susana Kampff Lages’ review of Kafka translated: How Translators have Shaped our Reading of Kafka, by Michelle Woods; Marcia Goretti Carvalho’s review of Translation-Driven Corpora: Corpus Resources for Descriptive and Applied Translation Studies, by Federico Zanettin; Xoán Manuel Garrido Vilariño’s review of Traducir e Interpretar lo Público, by Óscar Ferreiro Vázquez. The translation review section analyzes four translated books: Fernângela Diniz Silva’s review of O Misantropo, Bárbara Heliodora’s translation of Molière’s Le Misanthrope; Bárbara Costa Ribeiro’s review of A redoma de vidro, Chico Mattoso’s translation of Sylvia Plath’s The Glass Jar; Helder de Lima Costa’s review of The Wanted: A Biografia Não Autorizada Marina Varella’s translation of Chas Newkey Burden’s The Wanted: The Unauthorized Biography; Manlio de Medeiros Speranzini’s review of Tentativa de Esgotamento de um Local Parsiense, Ivo Barrosso’s translation of Georges Perec’s Tentative d’épuisement d’un lieu parisien. In the interview section, Andréa Cesco, Beatriz Regina Guimarães Barboza, Gilles Jean Abes interview science fiction translator Fábio Fernandes, while Andréia Guerini and Leomaris Aires present a set of interviews with three translators of Luiz Ruffato (German, French and Italian), who discuss aspects of translation/adaptation in general and their translations of the novel Estive em Lisboa e lembrei de você (2009) in particular.

The Editors

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Sep-Dec 2017
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina/Centro de Comunicação e Expressão/Prédio B/Sala 301 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil