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DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada, Volume: 15, Número: spe, Publicado: 1999
  • Filologia portuguesa no Brasil Artigos

    MEGALE, Heitor; CAMBRAIA, César Nardelli

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this paper we bring information about the studies and projects in the field of portuguese philology in Brazil along the last ten years, referring eventually to former retrospective studies. We show how philology, since the sixties, lost room among us and how it is going through a retaking process. We articulate theoretical and historical reasons of this route and try to point out the current trends in the field.
  • O Português brasileiro e as controvérsias da fonética atual: pelo aperfeiçoamento da Fonologia Articulatória Artigos

    ALBANO, Eleonora Cavalcante

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The paper examines the recent trends of phonetic studies in Brazil, a productive area which analyses Brazilian-Portuguese data and contributes to phonetic theory. The central question discussed in the approach is the relationship between Phonetic and Phonology.
  • A morfologia no Brasil: indicadores e questões Artigos

    BASILIO, Margarida Maria de Paula

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work attempts to give an idea of current development of morphological studies in Brazil. After a brief introduction to the development of Linguistics and morphological studies in Brazil in the period characterized by the creation of ABRALIN, it presents an analyis of the contemporary scene and its relevant tendencies and, as an illustration of contemporary concerns on Morphology in Brazil it summarizes a discussion on research topics taken by the work group of Morphology in the Projeto Gramática do Português Falado.
  • Estudos funcionalistas no Brasil Artigos

    NEVES, Maria Helena de Moura

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The paper presents a comprehensive survey of functional research in Brazil, from the very beginning, reaching research groups and individual researchers, carefully distinguishing the theoretical approaches followed. An extensive list of published work is added.
  • Trinta anos de sintaxe gerativa no Brasil Artigos

    KATO, Mary A.; RAMOS, Jânia

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper reports the generativist research developed in Brazil, from the standard theory to the Minimalist approach (Chomsky 1995), leaving out works in language aquisition, which are reported in Kato (1999). It contains three sections: I. The Standard Theory and the Extended Standard Theory; II. The Principles and Parameters Theory; III. The years 1998-1999.
  • Orientações atuais da Lingüística Histórica brasileira Artigos

    SILVA, Rosa Virgínia Mattos e

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The paper concentrates on the new directions taken by Historical Linguistics in Brazil, which gives special attention to Brazilian Portuguese, studying dialectal and sociolinguistic aspects. A special reference is made to projects that bring together researchers from several universities in the country.
  • O desenvolvimento da Lingüística Textual no Brasil Artigos

    KOCH, Ingedore G. Villaça

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The scope of this paper is to present a critical review of what has been done in the field of Textlinguistics, mainly in Brazil, in the second half of the century and to point out some of the perspectives for new developments in this area.
  • Estudos do texto e do discurso no Brasil Artigos

    BARROS, Diana Luz Pessoa de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The paper draws the distinction between Text and Discourse studies and relates the field to the other area of Linguistic studies developed in Brazil, giving special attention to the aproaches taken.
  • Retrospectiva sociolingüística: contribuições do PEUL Artigos

    PAIVA, Maria da Conceição de; SCHERRE, Maria Marta Pereira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this article we focus PEUL's (Programa de Estudos sobre o Uso da Língua) contribution to Brazilian Sociolinguistics, and, specifically, to variationist studies. We start by providing an overview of Rio de Janeiro variable phenomena. Then we show the spread of variation domain and emphasize the systematicity and regularity of a linguistic variable - the formal parallelism - on phenomena of language variation and change, and show some patterns of correlation between language and social structure.
  • A dialectologia no Brasil: perspectivas Artigos

    CARDOSO, Suzana Alice Marcelino

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper presents an overview of the dialectological studies in Brazil and the current perspectives of that field of linguistic investigation. The article also discusses the development of Brazilian geolinguistic studies. It is given information of the five already published linguistic atlases and the other six still in course. Finally the paper presents the Atlas Lingüístico do Brasil project, describing its methodology and giving an account of the present stage of the research.
  • A lingüística indígena no Brasil Artigos

    SEKI, Lucy

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article presents a panorama of the area of the linguistics of the indigenous languages in Brazil within the discipline of Brazilian linguiistics as a whole. Special attention is given to those aspects related to its specific development. It is argued that in contrast to what is commonly supposed, the arrival of the Summer Institute of Linguistics (1959) not only was not the beginning of this area of study in the country, but it even contributed to the delay in its establishment. It was only after the return of Brazilian scholars educated abroad who were interested in the study of the national indigenous languages that a specialized branch of linguistics directed to the study of these languages began to take form. The present situation of the area and perspectives for future development are both explored.
  • Uma história de delimitações teóricas: trinta anos de semântica no Brasil Artigos

    OLIVEIRA, Roberta Pires de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A map of the state of the art in semantics during the last third years of linguistics in Brazil is presented in the first section. Two case studies, then, are analysed: the debate argumentative semantics and formal semantics, and the debate formal semantics and cognitive semantics. Our analysis shows that an effective strategy for theoretical autonomy is that of declaring war to the dominant model. We do not subscribe to the war metaphor as an explanation to knowledge, however. Our paper finishes with some words on epistemology.
  • Os caminhos da pragmática no Brasil Artigos

    RAJAGOPALAN, Kanavillil

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper traces the history of the study of pragmatics in Brazil. It is shown that Brazilian researches have, by and large, remained attentive to major developments in the field taking place elsewhere in the world. Of particular importance is the burgeoning tendency to focus attention on social issues affecting the day-to-day lives of ordinary people. More and more researchers are realizing the need to assume a critical role in relation to the theories they encounter in the literature.
  • Aquisição da linguagem: uma retrospectiva dos últimos trinta anos Artigos

    CORREA, Letícia Maria Sicuro

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A survey of the research on language acquisition is presented, in which the major trends, controversies and findings of the last 30 years are highlighted. The study of language acquisition carried out in Brazil is situated within the broader context of the research in this area. The perspectives of a theory of language acquisition are considered.
  • Estudos sobre educação bilíngüe e escolarização em contextos de minorias lingüisticas no Brasil<a NAME="top50"></a> Artigos

    CAVALCANTI, Marilda C.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper aims at presenting a state-of-the-art of a subarea in Applied Linguistics, i.e., bilingual education studies in Brazil or yet education in bilingual settings such as indigenous communities, immigrant, frontier and deaf communities. These settings usually have more than two languages in use as well as language varieties. The paper shows a sociolinguistic panorama of the country and of the studies about education in linguistic minority contexts and draws implications for teacher education and language diversity.
  • Fotografias da Lingüística Aplicada no campo de línguas estrangeiras no Brasil<a NAME="top50"></a> Artigos

    LOPES, Luiz Paulo da Moita

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper presents photographs of the field of Applied Linguistics (AL) in the area of foreign language (FL) in Brazil in the last thirty years. The photographs focus on: the increase in the number of AL programmes, most favored dissertation and thesis topics, the foundation of FL teachers' associations and of the Brazilian Association for Applied Linguistics, the Brazilian English for Specific Purpose Project, the main periodicals and books published in the field, and the Brazilian National Parameters for FL Education. By way of conclusion, the paper presents virtual photographs of the area as a way of pointing to what is to come in the future: a multilingual foreign language education policy, the foundation of new AL programmes, research areas to be developed and theoretical and methodological approaches to be favored.
  • Inglês instrumental, inglês para negócios e inglês instrumental para negócios Artigos

    VIAN JR., Orlando

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article aims, from a broader perspective, at (1) discussing some definitions of English for Specific Purposes currently used by theorists and practiotiners in the area, focusing on the implications, causes and consequences brought about by these studies, trying then to define, (2) what English for General Business Purposes is as well as its implications for teaching English in-companies and, from a narrower perspective, discuss what English for Specific Business Purposes and its main features in our context at present.
Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP PUC-SP - LAEL, Rua Monte Alegre 984, 4B-02, São Paulo, SP 05014-001, Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 3670-8374 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil