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David Garland and the Brazilian Public Safety

proposes a critical reflection on David Garland's contribution to the understanding of the field of crime control in Brazil, inquiring about the applicability of his premises and concepts. To this end, the main works and ideas of the British sociologist were studied. Next, the trajectory and peculiarities of the Brazilian public security subsystem (BPSS), since the 1990s, were examined. Finally, the similarities and differences of the Brazilian context in relation to the trends pointed out by Garland were highlighted, as well as the existence of a mix between repressive/punitive and preventive/guarantee ideas and practices in the BPSS.

crime control field; punitivism; Garland; public security; Brazil

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Largo de São Francisco de Paula, 1, Sala 109, Cep: 20051-070, Rio de Janeiro - RJ / Brasil , (+55) (21) 3559.1926 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil