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History didactics and the competence of meaning attribution: a study from the methodology of history education3 1 This article is part of the research project named: Teaching History: A study about the teaching practices and the production of historical narratives by History teachers from Basic Education (Paraná-São Paulo - 1998 - 2014), funded by CNPq through the Human Sciences public notice - 471547/2014-0. The project includes researchers from four states: São Paulo, Kátia Mara Abud (USP) and Ronaldo Cardoso Alves (UNESP- Assis); Bahia, Iracema Oliveira Lima (UESB); Paraná, Geyso Germinari (UNICENTRO - Irati); Magda Maria Peruzin Tuma (UEL), Márcia Elisa Teté Ramos (UEM) and Marisa Noda (UENP - Jacarezinho); Goiás, Maria Conceição Silva (UFG). Translate: Giovana de Carvalho Martins.


In this article, starting from the methodology of investigation with intercultural researches based on the application of open and/or closed surveys (BORRIES & ANGVIK,1997) with exploratory studies carried on by the project, with teachers from four Brazilian states: Paraná, São Paulo, Goiás and Bahia, we present how it was possible to reach the results of this study; which sought to understand what are the needs of orientation that indicate the ways teachers follow whose establish their choices concerning the historiographic content and the teaching method. What are the demands from the past? Which experiences and feelings? We have analyzed the dialogue established by the teachers and the notion of history through a narrative presented in a closed survey about the discovery of Brazil. On this research, we work with Peter Seixas (2016) aiming to perceive what is the place of history education in the knowledge production inside the school and in historical thought formation, creating a strategy of treating data along with the theoretical conceptions and the speech of the subjects we have analyzed.

History education; Historical meaning; Lack of orientation; History teachers.

Setor de Educação da Universidade Federal do Paraná Educar em Revista, Setor de Educação - Campus Rebouças - UFPR, Rua Rockefeller, nº 57, 2.º andar - Sala 202 , Rebouças - Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil, CEP 80230-130 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil