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Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA) on hilltops in two crystalline massifs of Florianópolis, Santa Catarina: application to different relief models according to the delimitation criteria of the repealed Brazilian Forest Code and the new law for the protection of native vegetation

Áreas de Preservación Permanente (APP) en las cimas de elevaciones para dos macizos cristalinos en Florianópolis / SC: aplicación a diferentes modelos de relieve y según criterios de delimitación del derogado Código Forestal y la nueva Ley de Protección de la Vegetación Nativa


Permanent Preservation Areas (PPA) on hilltops have undergone changes in their application criteria under the new Native Vegetation Protection Law (LPVN, in Portuguese), particularly regarding the recommendations outlined in Conama Resolution 303/2002. Also, LPVN disregards the fact that the hills in Brazil have different relief models, which are determined by their geological structure and active geomorphological processes. The objectives of this article are to analyze the application of this typology of PPAs in two crystalline massifs with a dissection model in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, and to verify possible changes in the degree of protection in relation to the criteria of the aforementioned regulations. The results revealed that in an area with relatively homogeneous geology, the relief aspects vary and influence the delineation of the PPAs. It was also observed that the LPVN criteria resulted in a 100% reduction in hilltop PPAs compared to those of the previous Forest Code and Conama Resolution 303/2002.

Permanent Preservation Area (PPA); hilltops; crystalline massifs; environmental legislation

Universidade de São Paulo Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 338 - Cidade Universitária, São Paulo , SP - Brasil. Cep: 05339-970, Tels: 3091-3769 / 3091-0297 / 3091-0296 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil