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Characteristics and structuring of agriculture in the Immediate Geographic Region of Pau dos Ferros: notes from the Agricultural Census of 2017


The objective is to discuss the characteristics and structuring of the Agricultural Sector in the context of the Immediate Geographic Region of Pau dos Ferros. Bibliographic research was carried out in IBGE databases. The results indicate the loss of participation of the Agropecuary VAB in the Total VAB; relevant presence of minifúndios and modest governmental action in the distribution of land; predominance of family farming in the generation of occupations; incipient use of technological contributions in production; dissemination of rural electrification and marked presence of water resources. It is concluded that Agriculture has lost economic importance, remains with an incompatible land structure, has more than 80% of family establishments, has low technical and technological capacity to carry out production and even so generates almost 40,000 occupations.

Productive characteristics; Land structure; Generation of occupations; Immediate Geographic Region of Pau dos Ferros

UESB - Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia ESTRADA DO BEM QUERER KM 4, Vitória da Conquista - Bahia / Brasil, CEP 45083-900 Caixa postal 95, Tel: +55 (77) 3242-8741 - Vitória da Conquista - BA - Brazil