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História, Ciências, Saúde-Manguinhos, Volume: 29, Issue: 2, Published: 2022
  • História, Ciências, Saúde – Manguinhos in 2021 Editor’s Note

    Cueto, Marcos
  • The emergence of dengue as a virological challenge: from phantom disease to “pet” endemic, 1986-1987 Analysis

    Lara, Jorge Tibilletti de

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo O artigo analisa como a dengue se apresentou como desafio virológico na década de 1980. O objetivo é entender o papel dos estudos virológicos na compreensão da doença e a construção de uma expertise em arboviroses. Embora surtos da doença já tivessem sido relatados ao longo do século XX, a dengue era pouco conhecida nas Américas até a epidemia de dengue hemorrágica em Cuba, em 1981. Quando em 1986 a doença atingiu a cidade de Nova Iguaçu (RJ), a equipe de virologistas liderada por Hermann Schatzmayr tomaria a doença como objeto, mobilizando esforços a partir da criação do Laboratório de Flavivírus do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article analyzes how dengue presented a virological challenge during the 1980s in order to explore the role of virological studies in understanding this disease and constructing expertise in arboviral diseases. Although outbreaks were reported throughout the twentieth century, dengue was barely known in the Americas until the epidemic of dengue fever in Cuba in 1981. When the disease reached the Brazilian city of Nova Iguaçu (RJ) in 1986, it became the focus of attention for a team of virologists led by Hermann Schatzmayr, who mobilized efforts after the creation of the Flavivirus Laboratory at the Oswaldo Cruz Institute.
  • The dictatorship of agrochemicals: the National Program of Agricultural Defensives and changes in pesticides production and consumption in Brazil, 1975-1985 Analysis

    Lignani, Leonardo de Bem; Brandão, Júlia Lima Gorges

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo Análise do Programa Nacional de Defensivos Agrícolas articulado às políticas desenvolvimentistas da ditadura civil-militar brasileira e aos debates sobre a regulamentação dos agrotóxicos. O programa estimulava a produção interna de pesticidas, importante peça no projeto de “modernização” agrícola e de “substituições de importações”. Questionamentos sobre uso de agrotóxicos foram minimizados pela noção de “uso seguro”, apesar do monitoramento insuficiente das consequências na saúde e no ambiente. Além da produção no Brasil de compostos proibidos em outros países, o programa sinalizou uma mudança no perfil de agrotóxicos utilizados, que destaca as proibições aos inseticidas organoclorados nos anos 1980.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This paper relates the National Agricultural Defensives Program (1975-1980) with the developmentalist policies of the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship and the debates on agrochemicals regulation. The program stimulated internal production of pesticides, an important element in the project of agricultural “modernization” and “imports substitution.” Questionings on the use of agrochemicals were minimized by the notion of “safe use,” despite insufficient monitoring of health and environmental consequences. Besides the production in Brazil of compounds banned elsewhere, the program signaled a profile change of agrochemicals used, which puts into perspective the prohibition of organochlorine insecticides in the 1980s.
  • Knowledge and power: the role of astronomy in the territorial expansion of Chile, 1883-1890 Analysis

    Meier-Valenzuela, Stefan; Sanhueza-Cerda, Carlos

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen El artículo analiza el rol que jugó el Observatorio Astronómico Nacional en la expansión territorial de Chile a fines del siglo XIX, a través de la relación que sostuvo con tres exploraciones geográficas asociadas a este proceso. Se propone que el Observatorio cumplió un papel central para estas exploraciones geográficas, ayudando a obtener coordenadas geográficas precisas en pos de producir mapas exactos de los territorios anexados al norte y sur de Chile. Los resultados permiten afirmar que el Observatorio Astronómico Nacional fue una institución que prestó servicios estratégicos durante la expansión territorial y, a su vez, que la geografía fue parte importante de sus trabajos científicos institucionales.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract The article analyzes the role played by the National Astronomical Observatory (Observatorio Astronómico Nacional) in the territorial expansion of Chile at the end of the nineteenth century, through the relationship with three geographical explorations associated with this process. It is proposed that the Observatory played a central role in these geographic explorations, helping to obtain precise geographic coordinates to produce accurate maps of the territories annexed to the north and south of Chile. The results allow us to affirm that the National Astronomical Observatory provided strategic services during territorial expansion, and geography was an important part of its institutional scientific work.
  • Covid-19, the Chinese diaspora, and the enduring legacy of racism in Peru Analysis

    Ragas, José; Palma, Patricia

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo A pandemia do coronavírus expôs uma tendência mundial ao longo da história de culpar imigrantes pela propagação de epidemias. No Peru, os chineses sofreram preconceito racial durante crises de saúde pública anteriores. Surpreendentemente, a ideia de que os descendentes de chineses são “agentes de contágio” diminuiu significativamente durante a atual pandemia. Examinaremos aqui três grandes epidemias (febre amarela, peste bubônica e covid-19), a fim de demonstrar a atual mudança nas atitudes negativas em relação à comunidade chinesa. A recusa dos peruanos de adotar termos depreciativos (o “vírus chinês”) ou visar indivíduos de ascendência asiática é algo intrigante em tempos de completa disseminação de discurso xenofóbico no hemisfério ocidental.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract The coronavirus pandemic has exposed a global tendency throughout history to blame immigrants for propagating epidemics. Chinese individuals were thus targeted during past public health crises in Peru, but during the current coronavirus pandemic racist notions painting people of Chinese descent as “agents of contagion” diminished significantly. Here we examine three major epidemics (yellow fever, the bubonic plague, and covid-19) to demonstrate the current and somewhat surprising shift in negative attitudes toward the Chinese community. Peruvians’ refusal to embrace derogatory terms (the “Chinese virus”) or target individuals of Asian descent constitutes an intriguing case at a moment when xenophobic discourse is rampant in the Western hemisphere.
  • Demographics of war: mortality in Porto Alegre during Guerra dos Farrapos, 1835-1845 Análise

    Scott, Ana Silvia Volpi; Scott, Dario

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo Este artigo apresenta resultados de análises relativas aos impactos da Guerra dos Farrapos (1835-1845) sobre a mortalidade na população de Porto Alegre, a partir, principalmente, da utilização de assentos de batizado e de óbito, comparando os períodos anterior e posterior ao conflito, abrangendo os anos entre 1825 e 1854. Destacam-se as perturbações nos primeiros cinco anos da guerra (1835-1840), quando a cidade enfrentou cercos impostos pelos rebeldes. Os resultados, baseados no cálculo da mortalidade infantil, entre outros indicadores, evidenciam, além das dificuldades de abastecimento e agravamento das condições sanitárias, uma grave crise de mortalidade causada por epidemia de escarlatina que atingiu duramente crianças livres e escravizadas.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article presents an analysis of the impacts of the Guerra dos Farrapos (1835-1845) on the mortality of the population of Porto Alegre, drawing primarily on baptism and death records, comparing the periods before and after the conflict, ranging from 1825 to 1854. Anomalies can be noted in the first five years of the war, when the city was under siege from the rebels. The results, based on a calculation of infant mortality and other indicators, show not only that there were supply difficulties and deteriorated sanitary conditions, but also that mortality levels surged in response to a scarlet fever epidemic, which hit free and enslaved children particularly hard.
  • A pesticide in Franco’s regime: communicating toxic risks in Spain, 1945-1975 Análise

    Pérez, Oscar A.

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen En este trabajo se analizan las representaciones de los riesgos tóxicos del hexaclorociclohexano, un ingrediente activo de plaguicidas de uso común en los campos españoles durante el franquismo. Se hace énfasis en las prácticas que visibilizaron e invisibilizaron dichos riesgos en España entre 1945 y 1975, buscando establecer los actores que las fomentaron y los medios que emplearon. Desde la perspectiva de la agnotología, se analizan los procesos de creación de ignorancia e incertidumbre relacionadas con este compuesto. Asimismo, se examinan las estrategias retóricas utilizadas para abordarlos. Para ello se utilizan tres fuentes primarias principales: la revista de agronomía dirigida a expertos Boletín de patología vegetal y entomología agrícola, la revista dirigida a agricultores Agricultura y el periódico ABC.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This work analyzes the representations of the toxic risks of hexachlorocyclohexane, an active ingredient of many pesticides commonly used in Spanish fields during Franco’s regime. Emphasis is placed on the practices that visibilized and invisibilized these risks, seeking to establish the actors that promoted them and the mechanisms they used. From the perspective of agnotology, I analyze the generation of ignorance and uncertainty related to this compound. Likewise, I examine the most prevalent rhetorical strategies used in print sources. To do so, I consulted three main primary sources: Boletín de patología vegetal y entomología agrícola, an agronomy journal for experts; Agricultura, a magazine for farmers, and ABC, a newspaper.
  • Knowledge in the labyrinths of power: Europe and the (inter)nationalization of science in the first half of the twentieth century Análise

    Clara, Fernando

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo A primeira metade do século XX foi globalmente marcada por uma vaga nacionalista que não deixou a ciência incólume. As iniciativas de bloqueio de algumas “ciências nacionais” (em particular a ciência oriunda da Alemanha) e as ruidosas discussões que então inundaram o espaço público ocidental constituem marcas ineludíveis das transformações radicais que o saber, o poder e a relação entre ambos então conheceram. O artigo explora, com base na literatura histórica da época, a crescente politização do discurso científico na primeira metade do século XX. É dada especial atenção ao período entreguerras, à (re)fundação, após 1918, dos organismos científicos internacionais sediados na Europa (como o International Research Council), e à proibição, em 1937, da revista Nature na Alemanha nazista.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract The first half of the twentieth century was marked globally by a nationalist shift, which also affected science. The initiatives to block some “national science” (especially from Germany) and the discussions that flooded Western public space are hallmarks of the radical transformations that knowledge and power underwent at the time. Based on historical literature from the time, the article explores the growing polarization of scientific discourse in the first half of the twentieth century. Special attention is given to the interwar period, the (re)founding (after 1918) of international scientific organisms based in Europe (like the International Research Council), and the prohibition of the journal Nature in Nazi Germany in 1937.
  • The birth of a Ministry of Public Health in Colombia, 1946-1953: Cold War, invisible government and asymmetrical interdependence Analysis

    Téllez, Marlin; Quevedo, Emilio

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen Este artículo estudia el cambio de un Ministerio de Higiene en Colombia a un Ministerio de Salud Pública, de 1946 a 1953. Este no fue solo un nuevo nombre para el ministerio sino un proceso de transición de políticas gubernamentales basadas en la higiene pública europea hacia la institucionalización del modelo norteamericano de salud pública. El proceso involucró negociaciones entre representantes del gobierno local y la Misión Currie, que fue enviada a Colombia por el Banco Interamericano de Reconstrucción y Desarrollo y el Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Salud. Estas negociaciones se dieron a través de relaciones asimétricas de interdependencia, en el marco del “gobierno invisible” implementado por Estados Unidos en América Latina durante la Guerra Fría.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article studies the shift from a Ministry of Hygiene in Colombia to a Ministry of Public Health, from 1946 to 1953. This was not only a new name for the ministry, but a transitional process from government policies based on European public hygiene towards institutionalizing the North American model of public health. The process involved negotiations between local government representatives and the Currie Mission, which was sent to Colombia by the Inter-American Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Inter-American Cooperative Health Service. These negotiations took place via asymmetrical relationships of interdependence, within the framework of the “invisible government” implemented by the United States in Latin America during the Cold War.
  • Oral history and ethics: a comparative gaze on Brazil, Canada, and Italy Análise

    Rodeghero, Carla Simone

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo O artigo apresenta um diálogo entre as experiências brasileiras, canadenses e italianas quanto aos desafios colocados por avaliações éticas “externas” (feitas por comitês de ética e órgãos correlatos) e “internas” (resultante dos debates dos/as próprios/as pesquisadores/as) à história oral. Pretende demonstrar as diferentes maneiras de lidar com as imposições estranhas à área, revelar as estratégias de ação colocadas em prática e destacar questões centrais para o trabalho responsável com história oral. O espírito que anima a escrita é o de repensar as próprias experiências e de aprender com as alheias.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article presents a dialogue between the experiences of Brazil, Canada, and Italy in addressing the challenges posed by ethical evaluations, both “external” (by ethics committees and related bodies) and “internal” (in debates among researchers themselves), of oral history. It attempts to demonstrate the different ways impositions from outside the area have been handled, the action strategies adopted, and issues central to responsible work in the sphere of oral history. It is written with the spirit of rethinking one’s own experiences and learning from those of others.
  • Alto da Serra Biological Station: a “treasure of nature,” 1918-1938 Análise

    Bocchi, Luna Abrano; Pataca, Ermelinda Moutinho

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo O artigo explora aspectos da história da Estação Biológica do Alto da Serra, de 1918 a 1938, quando esteve sob a gestão do botânico Frederico Carlos Hoehne. A perspectiva da história das ciências balizou a análise, que considerou as especificidades da Estação Biológica e as distintas formas de pesquisa, circulação e interação. O estudo indica que o propósito de proteção e guarda da natureza articulou-se a um projeto de Nação e vinculou-se a um debate crescente sobre a conservação de áreas verdes. Complementarmente, a análise das práticas científicas demonstra a importância das visitas ao local, estrategicamente divulgadas por Hoehne para conferir credibilidade e angariar apoio à iniciativa.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This article explores aspects of the history of Alto da Serra Biological Station between 1918 and 1938, when it was under the management of the botanist Frederico Carlos Hoehne. Taking a history of science perspective, the analysis considers details of the biological station and the different forms of research, circulation, and interaction. The study indicates that the purpose of protecting and safeguarding nature was coordinated with a nation-building project and linked to a growing debate about the conservation of green areas. Additionally, the analysis of the scientific practices demonstrates the importance of visits to the site, which were strategically communicated by Hoehne to lend the initiative credibility and garner support.
  • Medicine during the Nazi period and the Holocaust: what are the implications? An interview with Volker Roelcke Interview

    Roelcke, Volker; Mannheimer, Vivian

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen En esta entrevista, Volker Roelcke explica y analiza evidencia histórica que refuta las suposiciones erróneas acerca de las atrocidades cometidas por los médicos durante la era nazi, brinda información sobre las implicaciones de la medicina durante el período nazi y el Holocausto para la medicina y la bioética en la actualidad, analiza la historia del término “genocidio”, y sugiere formatos para la enseñanza futura, entre otros temas.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract In this interview, Volker Roelcke explains and analyzes historical evidence refuting erroneous assumptions about medical atrocities committed by physicians during the Nazi era, provides insight into the implications of medicine during the Nazi period and the Holocaust for medicine and bioethics today, analyzes the history of the term “genocide,” and suggests formats for future teaching, among other topics.
  • A nurse from the Brazilian Expeditionary Force in the Second World War: the Virgínia Portocarrero archive at Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz Fontes

    Bernardes, Margarida Maria Rocha; Kaminitz, Sonia Helena da Costa; Maciel, Laurinda Rosa; Almeida, Anna Beatriz de Sá; Oliveira, Alexandre Barbosa de; Porto, Fernando Rocha

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo Objetivou-se apontar as potencialidades do Fundo Virgínia Portocarrero, da Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz. O acervo foi doado em vida por sua titular, enfermeira brasileira veterana da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Dessa documentação constam registros de sua formação profissional e acadêmica, e é percebida sua determinação em preservar as reminiscências do front de batalha e do período pós-guerra, numa luta simbólica pelo registro de uma história essencialmente feminina em um cenário emblematicamente masculino. Integra o acervo ampla variedade de tipologias de fontes históricas, com destaque para um diário de sua participação no conflito, demonstrando aspectos cotidianos e peculiares de sua atuação profissional na saúde naquele momento dramático da história da humanidade.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract This study investigates the potential of the Virgínia Portocarrero archive, at Casa de Oswaldo Cruz/Fiocruz. It was donated in life by Portocarrero, a Brazilian nurse and Second World War veteran. The documents include records from her education and training and show evidence of a determination to preserve her memories from the frontline and after the war, in a symbolic battle to record an essentially female story in a characteristically male setting. The archive contains a broad variety of types of historical sources, notably a diary on her participation in the conflict, demonstrating everyday and unusual aspects of her work as a health professional at that dramatic time in human history.
  • Women and industrial hygiene in post-revolutionary Mexico: Juan de Beraza’s report on “La Perfeccionada” (October 25, 1919) Fontes

    Mena Carrillo, Juan José

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen En octubre de 1919, en medio de la construcción de las instituciones posrevolucionarias de protección de la salud en México, Juan de Beraza, oficial ayudante de la Secretaria de Industria, Comercio y Trabajo, redactó un documento sobre las condiciones de 479 obreras de una fábrica de la capital. El informe presentó un resumen de los problemas de higiene y de acoso sexual que las mujeres experimentaron en los espacios laborales. El documento ofrece información relevante para la historia de las mujeres dentro del “mundo del trabajo” en las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Se publica una transcripción del informe precedida de una presentación del mismo.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract In October 1919, during the construction of post-revolutionary health protection institutions in Mexico, Juan de Beraza, an office assistant to the Secretary of Industry, Commerce, and Labor, wrote a document about the conditions of 479 women workers in a factory in the capital. The report had a summary of hygiene and sexual harassment problems that women experienced in their workplaces. The document offers relevant information about the history of women in the “world of work” in the first decades of the twentieth century. A transcript of the report is published, preceded by a presentation of the report.
  • History in pandemic times: covid-19 in Latin America Debate

    Agostoni, Claudia; Ramacciotti, Karina; Lopes, Gabriel

    Abstract in Spanish:

    Resumen Teniendo como marco la trágica presencia de covid-19, historiadores de México, Argentina y Brasil realizan reflexiones en este texto sobre el contexto de la pandemia, así como su relación con precariedades sanitarias institucionales, estigmas persistentes y desigualdades sociales pasadas. Sus intervenciones son un registro preliminar del impacto de la pandemia en sus países. Están basadas en intervenciones presentadas en la mesa “História em tempos pandêmicos: reflexões sobre um ano de crises”, realizada en junio de 2021, moderada por Marcos Cueto y organizada por el Departamento de Pesquisa em História das Ciências e da Saúde de la Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Having as a framework the tragic presence of covid-19, historians from Mexico, Argentina and Brazil reflect in this text on the context of the pandemic as well as its relationship with institutional sanitary precariousness, persistent stigmas and past social inequalities. Their interventions are a preliminary record of the impact of the pandemic on their countries. They are based on interventions presented at the session “História em tempos pandêmicos: reflexões sobre um ano de crises”, held in June 2021, moderated by Marcos Cueto and organized by the Departamento de Pesquisa em História das Ciências e da Saúde of the Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fiocruz.
  • Health and medicine in twentieth-century Latin America: historical perspectives on the Cold War Resenhas

    Espinosa, Mariola
  • When the collective health is involved by the risks Resenhas

    Germinatti, Fernando Tadeu
  • Infection, death and disease in nineteenth-century Argentina Resenhas

    Liscia, María Silvia Di
  • Thinking history in science Resenhas

    Hernández, Haydeé López
Casa de Oswaldo Cruz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz Av. Brasil, 4365, 21040-900 , Tel: +55 (21) 3865-2208/2195/2196 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil