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The family Myrtaceae at Ilha do Mel, Paranaguá, Paraná State, Brazil


Myrtaceae is one of the most important plant families in the majority of Brazilian vegetation types. In this paper we present the taxonomic treatment for the Myrtaceae species of Ilha do Mel, a natural reserve at the coast of Paraná State, covered with Atlantic Rainforest, restinga wood and mangrov pioneer vegetation. There are ten genera and 33 species of Myrtaceae in the area. Myrcia (13 spp.) is the richest genera, followed by Eugenia (eigh spp.), Calyptranthes (three spp.), Psidium, Syzygium (two spp. each), Blepharocalyx, Campomanesia, Marlierea, Neomitranthes and Siphoneugena (one sp. each). We present an identification key and taxonomic descriptions with comments for these species.

Atlantic Rainforest; Myrteae; restinga wood; taxonomy

Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais Av. Miguel Stefano, 3687 , 04301-902 São Paulo – SP / Brasil, Tel.: 55 11 5067-6057, Fax; 55 11 5073-3678 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil