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Learning meetings and singular pedagogical projects in health residency programs

This is a presentation of the concepts of “learning meetings” and “singular pedagogical projects”, both resulting from a study on health education in residency programs. The first concept refers to follow-up ethics and the educationwork pair, whereas the second refers to the constitution of singular syllabuses in replacement of conservative syllabuses. The methodology was designed as “researching with Alice” (Alice in Wonderland), making use of the multiplicity of systematic (invitation to dialogue) and nonsystematic communication (hearings in debate scenes) provided in a in a Health Residency Programs National Meeting, in light of the words teaching and learning. It is understood that practical learning results from emotional exposure and apprehensions, and that a syllabus is made up of the possibility to apprehend questions and contextualize them, rather than creating a school syllabus based on what will be learned, especially when it comes to in-service education.

Learning meetings; Singular pedagogical project; Health residency programs; Health education and teaching; Public Health

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