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JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Volume: 3, Número: 1, Publicado: 2006
  • Editorial Editorial

  • Sistemas de información: nuevos escenarios basados en ontologías

    Barchini, Graciela; Álvarez, Margarita; Herrera, Susana

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    Mientras la ontología sigue siendo un área fecunda de investigación en el campo de la filosofía, las ontologías son actualmente materia de investigación, desarrollo, y aplicación en disciplinas relacionadas con la computación, la información y el conocimiento. Los sistemas de información (SI) son esencialmente artefactos de conocimiento que capturan y representan el conocimiento sobre ciertos dominios. Considerando que, las ontologías generalmente se usan para especificar y comunicar el conocimiento del dominio y que existe un reconocimiento creciente que los principios y conceptos ontológicos pueden aplicarse fructíferamente en el campo de los SI, se puede afirmar que un SI tiene su propia ontología implícita, al atribuir significado a los símbolos usados. Sin embargo, de manera explícita, una ontología puede tener distintos roles en un SI. Los escenarios presentados en este artículo permiten visualizar el rol que las ontologías están teniendo o tendrán en un futuro próximo en los SI. Se ofrece un amplio panorama del uso de las ontologías en diversos escenarios que varían desde el análisis conceptual de técnicas de modelación de los SI hasta su uso como soporte para el diseño, desarrollo y uso de los SI. Se espera de esta manera incrementar nuestro conocimiento acerca del rol de las ontologías en los SI.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    While ontology is still a fertile area of research in the field of Philosophy, Ontologies currently stands for research, development, and application fields in disciplines related with computing, information and knowledge. Information Systems (IS) are essentially knowledge artifacts that capture and represent knowledge in certain domains. Considering that ontologies is generally used to specify and communicate knowledge in a domain, and the growing recognition that ontological principles and concepts can be fruitfully applied to the IS field, one could say that an IS has its own implicit ontology when attributing meaning to the symbols used. Explicitly, however, ontology may play different roles in an IS. The scenarios presented in this article allow visualizing the roles that ontologies are now playing or will play in the near future in IS. There is a wide range of uses for ontologies in the different scenarios - they vary from the conceptual analysis of IS modeling techniques to their use as support for IS design, development and application. Our knowledge on the roles played by ontologies in IS is expected to be expanded.
  • Benefícios da arquitetura de software orientada a serviços para as empresas: análise da experiência do ABN AMRO Brasil

    Sordi, José Osvaldo De; Marinho, Bernadete de Lourdes; Nagy, Marcio

    Resumo em Português:

    A arquitetura de software é um dos principais habilitadores em proporcionar ganhos efetivos em agilidade e eficiência na manutenção e evolução dos sistemas de informação corporativos, fator preponderante para ambientes competitivos. Os benefícios proporcionados pela adoção da arquitetura de software orientada a serviços são evidenciados neste artigo por meio da análise de um caso prático de sua implementação na instituição financeira ABN AMRO Brasil. O caso apresenta como a instituição conseguiu resolver um dilema tradicional das instituições financeiras: a composição e integração dos serviços financeiros, entregues por meio de software nos diferentes canais de comunicação disponíveis aos clientes.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Software architecture is a major enabler in providing effective profits related to agility and efficiency in corporate information systems maintenance and evolution: a key factor in competitive environments. The benefits resulting from the adoption of software- oriented architecture (SOA) are demonstrated in this article through the analysis of a practical case of its implementation in the financial institution: ABN AMRO, in Brazil. The case describes how the institution solved a traditional dilemma faced by financial institutions: the composition and integration of financial services delivered through software to different communications channels made available to clients.
  • Workability of a management control model in service organizations: a comparative study of reactive, proactive and coactive philosophies

    Imoniana, Joshua Onome

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The main objective of this study was to compare and contrast the three philosophies of management control models in the process of decision-making, namely reactive, proactive and the coactive. The research methodology was based on literature review and descriptive-exploratory approach and additionally a survey of 20 service organizations were carried out in order to enhance the analysis of the state of the art. To execute the aforementioned, firstly, we highlight the fundamentals of the reactive, proactive and coactive models. Secondly, compared the management behaviors in the three approaches, hitherto highlighting the concepts and their practical application, thus retrieving the management relationships in the organization. By so doing we draw the hypothesis that, middle and top managers who adopt control models that are distant from a more coactive one, generally, spend a greater number of working hours in problems solutions leaving little or no time for planning purposes. Finally, in order to consolidate this study we adopted a qualitative data gathering style of semi-structured instrument for the collection of data whereby a content analysis with the assistance of six categories were drawn. Results revealed that there is a need for a change in management paradigms so that firms are not only compared from the financial perspectives without analysis of management control models which according to this study, directly influence the operational results of the organizations.
  • Rasgos culturales compartidos por usuarios de sistemas informáticos

    Costaguta, Rosanna; Maldonado, Marilena

    Resumo em Espanhol:

    No considerar la cultura organizacional en el desarrollo de sistemas de información ocasiona algunos problemas, por ejemplo, dificultades en la implantación de dichos sistemas por cuanto sus usuarios no aceptan modificaciones en sus culturas de trabajo. Sin embargo, las actuales metodologías de diseño no contemplan factores culturales. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar los principales rasgos culturales compartidos por los usuarios de SI de una universidad argentina. Como resultado del trabajo realizado fue posible, por un lado, identificar los memes compartidos por los integrantes de la comunidad elegida, y por otro, categorizar tales memes según su grado de incidencia. Este trabajo pretende ser un paso inicial hacia la construcción de sistemas que evolucionen junto con la cultura de la organización en la que se encuentran insertos.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Problems may arise when organizational culture is not considered in the development of information systems, such as difficulties in system implementation, since users do not accept changes in their work cultures. However, current methodology designs do not contemplate cultural factors. The objective of this investigation was to identify the main cultural features shared by the users of information systems in an Argentinean university. As result of this work it was possible to identify the memes shared by the members of the community selected, and to categorize such memes according to their incidence grade. This work seeks to be an initial step towards the construction of systems that evolve along with the organizational culture they are an integral part of.
TECSI Laboratório de Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação - FEA/USP Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 FEA 3, 05508-900 - São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 2648 6389, +55 11 2648 6364 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil