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JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Volume: 7, Número: 3, Publicado: 2010
  • Editorial

  • The internationalization of the software market: opportunities and challenges for brazilian companies

    Burzynski, Oscar Roberto; Graeml, Alexandre Reis; Balbinot, Zandra

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper deals with the potential for internationalization of the Brazilian software industry from the perspective of software developers and service providers. The purpose of the study conducted was to better understand the way Brazilian software companies relate to the international software market by comparing the perceptions of entrepreneurs and those of government agency officials responsible for increasing Brazil's participation in the international software market. Data collection took place by means of semi-structured interviews with entrepreneurs and government agency officials. The data gathered was subjected to content analysis. Results show that Brazilian software companies perform poorly with regard to levels of exporting their products and services for a number of reasons, among which the most outstanding is that they still think that the internal market offers enough challenges and opportunities.
  • ERP in the production area: user's opinions about needs being met

    Oliveira, Andre Luiz Pestana de; Silveira, Marco Antonio Pinheiro da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The study verified the production area's key user opinions about needs being met by ERP through a survey conducted within industries from the State of São Paulo. The survey instrument is composed of 28 activities related to the production area, using the literature review on production management and ERP as a basis. Also, four dimensions for production activities were defined: Inventory Management Policies, Forecasts, MRP and MRP II. Activities were evaluated according to five different criteria: Needs Being Met, Ease of Use, Parameterization, Customization and Training. The questionnaire was answered by managers from 46 industries, composing a non-probabilistic sample with an accessibility criterion. The research is exploratory. The analysis of the obtained data broadly showed that ERPs meet the expectations of production managers. However, its most noteworthy aspect is the high number of activities that are not used by companies. It was noted that the higher the number of used activities, the higher the level of perception of needs being met.
  • The predictors of success for e-learning in higher education institutions (HEIs) in N-W.F.P, Pakistan

    Kundi, Ghulam Muhammad; Nawaz, Allah; Khan, Shadiullah

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The interrelationships between different perceptions and attitudes of e-Learning users are widely researched, which reveals that whatever the perception and theory of a user about the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and e-Learning environment are, the same is reflected in his/her attitude towards using educational technologies for teaching and learning. The objective of this study was to measure the relationships between the indicators (perceptions about ICTs, educational technologies, development and use of e-Learning) and the Criterion variables (problems, satisfaction and prospects) among e-Learning users in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of N-W.F.P, Pakistan. The study found the existence of strong relationships in terms of indicators explaining the dependent variables. However, the impact is different from one variable to another. 81% of Problems, 57% of Satisfaction and 23% of Prospects are explained by the Indicators. Problems are significantly explained by all four indicators, while Satisfaction has been predicted by three of the indicators (excluding Perceptions). The study found that only two indicators (Perceptions about ICTs and Educational technologies) predict the Prospects, while Development and Use do not. The surprising finding is that Prospects are not defined by the 'Existing Development and Use Practices'. Rather, their perceptions about ICTs and e-Learning tools strongly forecast the Prospects.
  • An information sub-system model for the utilization of the receipt printer as a management instrument in the supermarket sector in the State of Santa Catarina

    Toledo Filho, Jorge Ribeiro de; Elias, Paulo Roberto

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The supermarket sector in the State of Santa Catarina, as well as other sectors, has invested in technology and information systems. Public authorities make legal requirements about this sector which, at first, serve only as fiscal control, as in the case of the Receipt Printer-RP. This paper aims to demonstrate how the RP is used in the companies studied. It also aims to show the feasibility of the RP as a tool for management purposes, with results in reducing expenses, costs and tax charges, by means of specific reports. An information subsystem model will be considered as a management tool with the use of the RP. The methodology adopted was quantitative, with an exploratory and deductive study. The universe of this study is the supermarket sector in the State of Santa Catarina, using a sample chosen by the invoicing criterion. The database was formed by questionnaires sent to the sector and other information provided by public agencies, through the use of special data from the State Department of Finance, which is responsible for the control of RPs. Results indicate that it is possible to use the RP as a management instrument.
  • Tecnologias de informação e comunicação na oferta de serviços financeiros para a população de baixa renda: os correspondentes bancários do Banco Lemon

    Yokomizo, Cesar Akira; Diniz, Eduardo Henrique; Christopoulos, Tania Pereira

    Resumo em Português:

    Bancos brasileiros têm desenvolvido iniciativas inovadoras para levar serviços financeiros à população de baixa renda por meio de correspondentes bancários (CBs). O Banco Lemon é um caso interessante a ser investigado, pois implantou um modelo de negócios exclusivamente baseado no uso de CBs e focado nos clientes de baixa renda. Este artigo descreve o processo de adoção da tecnologia de CBs no Banco Lemon para ofertar serviços financeiros para a população de baixa renda, fazendo um resgate histórico das suas atividades, desde sua criação até o ano de 2009. O artigo também discute o relativo sucesso do banco na operação de serviços de arrecadação e os resultados pouco expressivos nas iniciativas de concessão de crédito.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Brazilian banks have developed innovative initiatives to deliver financial services for the low-income population through correspondent banking (CB). Banco Lemon is such an interesting case to be studied because it has implemented a business model based exclusively on CB outlets and its focus was on low-income clients. This paper describes Banco Lemon's adoption process of the CB technology to deliver financial services for the low-income population, promoting a historical description of the bank's activities, since its creation and up to the year 2009. Eventually, this paper concludes that bill payment initiatives were successful while credit initiatives led to unexpressive outcomes.
  • Orientação a projetos: uma proposta de desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura orientada a serviços

    Serman, Daniel Valente

    Resumo em Português:

    A arquitetura orientada a serviços (SOA) é ocasionalmente encarada como um desafio complexo e intransponível (Serman, 2007), sentimento motivado pela falta de atenção de praticantes e da academia sobre os meios para sua construção. O trabalho visa trazer a gestão da carteira de projetos de TI como opção para orientar o desenvolvimento de SOA. Para isso, realizou-se uma revisão da literatura sobre SOA, incluindo estudos de caso sobre sua adoção. Também foi executado um estudo de caso, no qual foram analisados os projetos de uma determinada organização, focando-se na evolução de sua arquitetura de serviços. Os resultados mostram a construção gradual de SOA no caso a partir da conclusão e sucessão dos projetos. Conclui-se com uma proposta de processo de construção de SOA e as limitações e sugestões de pesquisas futuras.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    A service-oriented architecture (SOA) is occasionally seen as a complex and undefeatable challenge (Serman, 2007). This feeling is motivated by the lack of attention from practitioners and from the academy on the means for its construction. The work aims to bring the portfolio management of IT projects as an option to guide the SOA development. A review of the literature on SOA was carried out, including case studies on the SOA adoption. A case study was also done, which analyzed some projects of a particular organization, focusing on the evolution of its services architecture. The results show a gradual development of SOA in the case studied based on projects execution and sequencing. It concludes with a proposal of a process for building SOA as well as suggestions and limitations for future research.
  • Modelagem dos processos de negócio e especificação de um sistema de controle da produção na indústria de auto-adesivos

    Georges, Marcos Ricardo Rosa

    Resumo em Português:

    Este artigo apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema de informação para o controle da produção em uma indústria de auto-adesivos. A opção em desenvolver o próprio sistema de informação justifica-se na grande especificidade do sistema de produção e na tentativa frustrada em adotar sistemas ERP disponíveis no mercado. O desenvolvimento deste sistema de informação foi feito a partir da modelagem de todos os processos de negócios envolvidos na produção, reconhecendo todos os dados, processos e pessoas envolvidas e, em especial, o fluxo de informação e decisão na produção. Este conjunto de informações levantadas na modelagem dos processos de negócios possibilitou a especificação da estrutura de dados contidos em todos os formulários de apontamentos no chão de fábrica, bem como a definição das telas de acesso e de todos os relatórios e manipulações dos dados exigidas na produção. Utilizando sistemas de banco de dados, planilhas eletrônicas e alguns microcomputadores interligados em rede, foi implantado no chão de fábrica um sistema de controle da produção seis meses após o inicio do desenvolvimento. Detalhes dos processos de negócios modelados, da estrutura dos dados e dos fluxos são apresentados neste artigo, e comentários sobre os resultados obtidos completam o trabalho.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article presents the development of an information system for production control in an industry of self-adhesive products. The option to develop their own information system is due to the high specificity of their production system and unsuccessful attempt to adopt ERP systems available. The development of the intended information system was based on the modeling of all businesses processes throughout production, recognizing all data, processes and people involved, and especially the flow of information and decisions made during production. This body of information raised through the modeling of businesses processes enabled the specification of the structure of the data contained in every notation form from the shop floor, as well as the definition of access screens for all reports, and data manipulations required for production. By using a database, spreadsheets and some microcomputers interconnected in a network, a production control system was implemented on the shop-floor six months after the beginning of the system development. Details of the businesses processes modeled, of the data structure and of all flows are presented in this article. Comments on the results complete this study.
  • Problematização e racionalização discursiva dos processos produtivos em organizações

    Lima, Clóvis Ricardo Montenegro de; Lima, José Rodolfo Tenório; Moreira, Fernanda Kempner

    Resumo em Português:

    Neste artigo discute-se a problematização e a racionalização dos processos produtivos em organizações. Discute-se a dinâmica organizacional a partir da teoria dos sistemas de Luhmann, que enfatiza as relações do sistema com seu entorno. Esta teoria possibilita pensar a complexidade das organizações, incluindo suas dinâmicas e processos. Destaca-se o conceito de autopoiese organizacional. Faz-se a discussão da melhoria de qualidade e da inovação dos processos produtivos a partir da problematização pedagógica das organizações. Discutem-se as possibilidades da teoria do agir comunicativo de Habermas, especialmente sob a forma de racionalização discursiva dos processos organizacionais complexos. Vincula-se problematização pedagógica e racionalização discursiva. Conclui-se que racionalização discursiva pode ser importante para a construção de organizações eficazes integradas em bases éticas e solidárias.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In this article, the academic questioning and rationalization of productive processes in organizations are discussed. The organizational dynamics in Luhmann's theory of systems that emphasize the relationship of the system with its surroundings is also discussed. This theory allows for the analysis of organizations complexity, including their dynamics and processes.The concept of organizational autopoiesis is highlighted in this study. The discussion of quality improvement and innovation of production processes is based on pedagogical issues of the organizations. The possibilities of Habermas' communicative action theory is discussed, especially in the form of discursive rationalization of complex organizational processes In conclusion, discursive rationalization may be important to build effective and integrated organizations through an ethical and sympathetic basis.
  • Análise comparativa da evidenciação de aspectos de inovações em empresas construtoras e multisetoriais

    Floriani, Ricardo; Beuren, Ilse Maria; Hein, Nelson

    Resumo em Português:

    O estudo objetiva fazer análise comparativa da evidenciação de aspectos de inovações entre empresas construtoras e multisetoriais. Realizou-se pesquisa descritiva, por meio de análise de conteúdo nos relatórios da administração do período de 2005 a 2007. Da literatura pesquisada extraíram-se 14 aspectos de inovações, que formaram o quadro de referência da análise de conteúdo. Constituíram-se duas amostras não-probabilísticas, a primeira composta de 22 empresas multisetoriais, de 18 setores econômicos, que compreende as empresas de comparação. Os aspectos de inovações constatados nesse grupo de empresas foram comparados àqueles evidenciados nos relatórios da administração das 34 empresas construtoras de capital aberto, que compreendem a segunda amostra. Os resultados da pesquisa mostram que a evidenciação de aspectos de inovações difere nas empresas de construção civil comparativamente as empresas multisetoriais nos relatórios da administração de 2005, 2006 e 2007. As empresas de construção evidenciaram menos aspectos de inovações nos relatórios da administração do que as empresas multisetoriais no período analisado. Conclui-se que as empresas construtoras podem ser consideradas medianamente inovadoras, conquanto, as empresas multisetoriais apresentam maiores quantidades médias de inovações.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The goal of this study is to make a comparative analysis of innovation aspect evidence among construction and multi-sector companies. Descriptive research was done through a content analysis of administration reports from 2005 to 2007. From the researched material, 14 aspects of innovations were extracted, which offer the basis to the content analysis. Two non-probability samples were developed, the first consisting of 22 multi-sector businesses, within 18 economic sectors, which comprises the companies in the comparison. Aspects of innovation found in this group of companies were compared to those stated in the reports of the administration of the 34 construction companies with open capital, which comprise the second sample. The survey results show that the evidence of innovation aspects are different in construction companies when compared to the administration reports of multi-sector business of 2005, 2006 and 2007. The construction companies state fewer innovation aspects in the administration reports than multisector companies in the analyzed period. The conclusion is that while construction companies can be considered fairly innovative, multi-sectorial companies present more innovations on average.
  • Processo de sucessão em empresa familiar: gestão do conhecimento contornando resistências às mudanças organizacionais

    Freire, Patricia de Sá; Soares, Aline Pereira; Nakayama, Marina Keiko; Spanhol, Fernando José

    Resumo em Português:

    A pesquisa analisou a percepção de colaboradores de empresa familiar sobre mudanças geradas pelo processo de sucessão, identificando problemas anteriores e as possibilidades de continuidade ou eliminação destes. Classificou-se a empresa como familiar conforme definições de Bernhoeft (1991), e foram utilizadas como base de análises das mudanças as perspectivas propostas por Motta (2001). Complementando o estudo, os desafios do processo de sucessão foram entendidos pelo ponto de vista da Gestão do Conhecimento. A abordagem metodológica caracteriza-se como estudo descritivo qualitativo feito mediante entrevistas e análise documental. Utilizaram-se dados quantitativos, com a aplicação de questionários para a obtenção de dados primários. A análise dos dados caracteriza-se, predominantemente, como qualitativa descritiva e de conteúdo. Verificou-se (1) falta ou deficiência de comunicação interna, as (2) tomadas de decisão lentas ou com ritmo não comprometido com o resultado pretendido e (3) o duplo comando ou vezes comando nenhum. Concluiu-se que, para alcançar os objetivos das mudanças será necessário um novo olhar sobre a integração intraorganizacional para eliminar características de empresa familiar como a falta de diálogo e as decisões impositivas. Sugere-se ao final, que utilizar as estratégias de compartilhamento de informações e conhecimentos abrirá espaço para a compreensão de todo o processo de sucessão, contornando incertezas e resistências individuais. Dessa forma, a inclusão da Gestão do Conhecimento em empresa familiar, propiciará ao processo de sucessão, uma passagem de poder mais conscientizada por parte dos lideres, gestores e funcionários.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study examined the perception of a family business' employees over changes brought about by the company's succession procsess through the identification of existing problems and the probabilities of overcoming them. The company was classified as a family business organization as per Bernhoeft´s (1991) definition, and the perspectives proposed by Motta (2001) were used as a basis for change analysis. The succession challenges were studied through the knowledge management viewpoint. The methodological approach is characterized as a qualitative descriptive study done through interviews and document analysis. Quantitative data was used, with the application of questionnaires in order to obtain primary data. Data analysis is mainly characterized by its qualitative and descriptive content. After data analysis, the following issues were detected: (1) lack of or inneficient internal communication, (2) the decision making process was either slow or not committed to the desired results and (3) there was either dual leadership or no leadership. It was concluded that in order to achieve the objectives of the changes, it would require a new look into the intraorganizational integration to eliminate features of the family business such as lack of dialogue and unilateral decisions. It is finally suggested the use of strategies for sharing information and knowledge that will pave the way for understanding the entire succession process, overcoming uncertainties and individual resistance. Thus, the inclusion of Knowledge Management in the family business succession process will result in more aware leaders, managers and employees in terms of change of power during the mentioned process.
  • Expanding the open innovation concept: the case of TOTVS S / A

    Rodrigues, Leonel Cezar; Maccari, Emerson Antonio; Campanario, Milton de Abreu

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this study is the process of open innovation in the growth development of a technology-based company. We used the case study method to research Totvs, a company that is the largest producer of information systems in Latin America, for medium and small businesses, as an illustrative case to support the evidences of new approaches to implement the open innovation processes. The main conclusions regarding the expansion of the open innovation concept can be seen taking the following distinct factors into account: (a) technological dominion, not business protection, is the main motivator for acquisition of external technologies, directly or through other enterprises acquisition, (b) adherence to technological footprint is the main inducer of the open innovation processes, (c) market pull technologies determines the length and range of technological dominion, and (d) incremental instead of radical type of innovation would be the preferred way to implement the open innovation process.
TECSI Laboratório de Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação - FEA/USP Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 FEA 3, 05508-900 - São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 2648 6389, +55 11 2648 6364 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil