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JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Volume: 9, Número: 3, Publicado: 2012
  • Towards active seo (search engine optimization) 2.0

    Boutet, Charles-Victor; Quoniam, Luc; Smith, William Samuel Ravatua

    Resumo em Inglês:

    In the age of writable web, new skills and new practices are appearing. In an environment that allows everyone to communicate information globally, internet referencing (or SEO) is a strategic discipline that aims to generate visibility, internet traffic and a maximum exploitation of sites publications. Often misperceived as a fraud, SEO has evolved to be a facilitating tool for anyone who wishes to reference their website with search engines. In this article we show that it is possible to achieve the first rank in search results of keywords that are very competitive. We show methods that are quick, sustainable and legal; while applying the principles of active SEO 2.0. This article also clarifies some working functions of search engines, some advanced referencing techniques (that are completely ethical and legal) and we lay the foundations for an in depth reflection on the qualities and advantages of these techniques.
  • Internet: monitored freedom

    Contreras, Fernando Kuschnaroff; Oliveira, Fatima Bayma de; Martins, Evelyn Souto

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The Internet is a phenomenal research and information tool. It has entered the lives of people in an extremely fast way, offering a sense of freedom, and discoveries. This study presents the Internet usage in organizations, along with the use of equipment and information systems supplied by the employer and personal Internet usage at work. The subjects of the present research are businesspeople chosen among employees with a university degree in companies in the City of Curitiba, in the State of Paraná, with leading, managerial or operational occupations, with access to the Internet in their offices as well as at home. The study proposal consists of a critical analysis on the theme.
  • Software process assessment and improvement using Multicriteria Decision Aiding - Constructivist

    Ensslin, Leonardo; Scheid, Luiz Carlos Mesquita; Ensslin, Sandra Rolim; Lacerda, Rogério Tadeu de Oliveira

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Software process improvement and software process assessment have received special attention since the 1980s. Some models have been created, but these models rest on a normative approach, where the decision-maker's participation in a software organization is limited to understanding which process is more relevant to each organization. The proposal of this work is to present the MCDA-C as a constructivist methodology for software process improvement and assessment. The methodology makes it possible to visualize the criteria that must be taken into account according to the decision-makers' values in the process improvement actions, making it possible to rank actions in the light of specific organizational needs. This process helped the manager of the company studied to focus on and prioritize process improvement actions. This paper offers an empirical understanding of the application of performance evaluation to software process improvement and identifies complementary tools to the normative models presented today.
  • Value creation from organizational project management: a case study in a government agency

    Oliveira, Warlei Agnelo de; De Muylder, Cristiana Fernandes

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper aims to analyze, through a case study based on a construct of the work of Thomas and Mulally (2008), called Researching the Value of Project Management, the relations of the constructs of this conceptual model and to show how they interfere with the organizational values, possibly in programs conducted by a government agency, from the perspective of the senior management directly involved. The analysis of information collected indicated that project management has brought value to the organization, but not all components of the conceptual model used were perceived. Additionally, differences between respondents from outside and inside of this department become evident, indicating a difference in stakeholders´ interests. Finally, from the perspective of institutional isomorphism, we searched for evidence of an effort to increase the organization's management maturity in project management, indicating by documents the mimetic and coercive isomorphism to ensure the achievement of goals and financial efficiency of the projects analyzed.
  • Determinants of the choice of marketing channels by corporate clients: an analysis of the information technology sector

    Soares, Guilherme; Bortoluzzo, Adriana Bruscato; Barros, Henrique Machado

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Based on a survey of 505 corporate clients from the information technology industry, this study uses a logit statistical model to analyze whether such factors as loyalty, trust, client importance, intimacy between customer and supplier and the cost of changing suppliers may affect the choice of the marketing channel used by the client. The results show that the greater intimacy between a supplier and a corporate client is a determining factor for the client's preference for being served by the manufacturer rather than an intermediary. In contrast, clients' perception of their own importance to the supplier is not very relevant to their preference for being served directly by the manufacturer, and the other factors were not identified as (statistically important) determinants of the choice of the marketing channel. These results suggest that the real advantage of the direct sales channel over the indirect sales channel lies in its ability to strengthen the client-manufacturer relationship, thereby contributing to the development of solutions that better serve the needs of corporate clients.
  • Improving logistics services through the technology used in fleet management

    Vivaldini, Mauro; Pires, Silvio R. I.; Souza, Fernando Bernardi de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Outsourcing logistics has established itself in the area of the LSP (Logistics Service Provider), which offers a range of services to its customers. In this line, transportation is characterized as one of the most important services, and therefore efficient fleet management is essential for establishing a high level of customer service. With advances in technology and vehicle tracking systems, this approach of management has gained new possibilities for the improvement of logistics services. By studying the specific case of an LSP, this paper investigates the use of these technologies in the management of their business and services. The results indicate that the LSP seeks to increase its services and to streamline information in order to respond to customer needs in real time. It is also evident in this case under study that the combination of the technology available together with the fleet management system has become a distinguishing feature for this LSP, one which increases their skills and important information for both customers and business.
  • Management practices and influences on IT architecture decisions: a case study in a telecom company

    Hsing, Chen Wen; Souza, Cesar Alexandre de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The study aims to analyze the IT architecture management practices associated with their degree of maturity and the influence of institutional and strategic factors on the decisions involved through a case study in a large telecom organization. The case study allowed us to identify practices that led the company to its current stage of maturity and identify practices that can lead the company to the next stage. The strategic influence was mentioned by most respondents and the institutional influence was present in decisions related to innovation and those dealing with a higher level of uncertainties.
  • Benefits and success factors of open-source web services development platforms for small software houses

    Moreno Junior, Valter de Assis; Gomes, Josir Cardoso

    Resumo em Inglês:

    It is usually difficult for companies to keep up with the development of new information technologies and adapt to them in face of the opportunities and threats their advances may represent. This is especially true for small and medium enterprises (SME) in emerging economies, where resources tend to be scarce and markets more volatile. This paper describes an action research conducted in a small Brazilian software house that adopted an open-source Web Services development platform in order to improve its software development process. Data analysis revealed critical success factors (CSF) in the adoption process, as well as specific benefits and barriers prone to be faced by small software houses in their adoption efforts. In the process of overcoming such barriers, SME may acquire intellectual capital that represents an essential resource to ensure their competitiveness and survival in emerging economies.
  • Estratégia de Engenharia de Requisitos para ambientes de Realidade Aumentada

    Nakamoto, Paula Teixeira; Carrijo, Gilberto Arantes; Cardoso, Alexandre; Lima, Lázaro Vinícius de Oliveira; Lopes, Ederaldo José

    Resumo em Português:

    A Realidade Aumentada (RA) apresenta a vantagem de permitir o uso de ações tangíveis e de operações multimodais, envolvendo voz, gestos, tato, etc. Devido a sua variedade de interfaces é notavelmente maior a complexidade em projetá-las e usá-las. Logo, os projetistas desses sistemas precisam desenvolver um projeto centrado no usuário, se não vários problemas de usabilidade poderão surgir. Para solucionar esse problema, os projetistas de ambientes em RA precisam de orientações, guias e diretrizes para auxiliá-los na construção do projeto. Até a data, guias de projeto para RA que podem ser encontrados na literatura são sugestões bastante estreitas, derivadas de problemas específicos dos pesquisadores. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de apresentar uma investigação que resultou em uma Estratégia de Análise de Requisitos para construção de ambientes com RA. Como resultado dessa estratégia, estão disponíveis para os projetistas guias, atividades da análise do domínio e formulários que o auxiliam na análise de requisitos e na tomada de decisões de como proceder na implementação do sistema. A eficácia da estratégia é verificada com a sua aplicação a um meta-modelo de especificação de requisitos para a construção de um sistema para o auxílio do tratamento da Aracnofobia.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Augmented Reality (AR) offers the advantage of enabling the use of tangible actions and multimodal operations, including voice, gestures, and touch, among others. Due to the its interface varieties of interfaces, the complexity in designing and using them is notably high. Therefore, this system´s designers need to develop a user-focused project or else a lot of usability problems may arise. In order to solve these problems, AR environment designers need instructions, guidance and guidelines in order to help them develop a project. So far, AR project instructions, found in the related literature, are very limited, stemming from researchers' specific problems. This paper has the purpose of presenting an investigation that resulted in a Requirements Analysis Strategy for the development of AR environments. As a result of this strategy, guiding designers have at their disposal domain analysis activities and forms that help them analyze requirements and make decisions on how to proceed in the system´s implementation. The strategy efficacy is verified by means of its application to a requirements specification meta model for the development of a system that helps in the treatment of arachnophobia.
TECSI Laboratório de Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação - FEA/USP Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 FEA 3, 05508-900 - São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 2648 6389, +55 11 2648 6364 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil