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JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Volume: 10, Número: 3, Publicado: 2013
  • Editorial - 10 anos da JISTEM Editorial

    Riccio, Edson Luiz
  • O desenvolvimento dos sistemas de valor do setor segurador português e o papel dos sistemas de informação Original Article

    Marques, Bruno Alexandre Ribeiro

    Resumo em Português:

    Foi pretendido estudar o atual estado das parcerias interorganizacionais do setor segurador português e projetar uma estratégia de desenvolvimento, onde se inclui a dimensão dos Sistemas de Informação (SI). Nesta comunicação é analisado o atual papel dos SI nas parcerias dos seguros (ex: funcionalidades essenciais, alinhamento com os decisores), assim como a sua importância futura. Sendo a actividade seguradora informacional e conhecimento-intensiva, foi seguida uma abordagem relacional e orientada à aprendizagem. O impacto dos SI na colaboração e as implicações ao nível do perfil dos CIOs (responsáveis pelos SI) são apresentados. Foi verificada a existência de uma boa exploração dos SI para a automatização e integração de sistemas heterogênos. Todavia, funcionalidades colaborativas (ex: Web 2.0) e indicadores de gestão de parcerias são insuficientes. Os CIOs podem ser agentes de mudança, destacando-se a visão de IT Governance e a abordagem sociotécnica como chaves para incrementar a maturidade e o valor dos SI para os seguros.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This study aims to analyze the status of partnerships between organizations in the Portuguese insurance industry and design a development strategy that includes the Information Systems (IS) dimension. In this paper, the current role of the IS in insurance partnerships (e.g.: automation of functionalities, alignment with decision makers) is analyzed, as well as their importance in the future. Since insurance information activities are knowledge intensive, a relational and learning approach was followed. The impact of the IS on collaboration and implications for the CIO (responsible for the IS) are presented. The existence of a good exploration of the IS for automation and integration of heterogeneous systems were verified. However, collaborative functionalities (e.g. Web 2.0) and partnership management indicators were not observed as a common practice. The CIO can be an agent of change, highlighting the IT Governance view and the socio-technical approach that are key to increase the maturity and value of the IS in the insurance industry.
  • The role of worker tenure and employment heterogeneity on software development work activities Original Article

    Crawford, Jeff; Leonard, Lori N. K.; Jones, Kiku

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Software development group effectiveness depends on many factors, and understanding those factors is vital to project success, especially when considering the time and money that is dedicated to said projects. Therefore, this study examines the role of worker tenure and employment heterogeneity on exploration and exploitation work completed within an organization’s software development group. Analysis of time tracking data within one financial services organization over a three years period demonstrates that worker tenure and employment heterogeneity do play an important role in shaping work activities. Worker tenure exhibited a negative relationship with exploration and exploitation activities, suggesting a critical mechanism through which an organization can elicit innovative and incremental development efforts. Further, the positive effect of employment heterogeneity on exploration and exploitation suggests that employment diversity can also provide a means to encourage innovative and incremental development activities. Findings highlight the notion that group composition plays a meaningful role in shaping the focus of software development work within an organization.
  • The influence of shared mental models between the CIO and the Top Management Team on the strategic alignment of Information Systems: a comparison between brazilian and US companies Original Article

    Reinhard, Nicolau; Bigueti, José Ricardo

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The gap in the understanding between the chief information officer (CIO) and the management team (TMT) has been cited as a contributing factor to their often troubled relationship. The objective of this study is to examine the development of shared mental models (SMMs) between the CIO and TMT about the role of information systems in the organization. An SMM is conceptualized as a multidimensional construct spanning the dimensions of shared language and shared understanding. The study posits that knowledge exchange mechanisms and relational similarity between the CIO and TMT are key antecedents to the development of SMMs. SMMs between the CIO and TMT are expected to guide the strategic orientation of the organization and may influence strategic alignment and organizational outcomes. The model was tested via a field survey of CIO – TMT pairs using structural equation modeling. Results show that relational similarity and formal mechanisms of knowledge exchange (e.g., formal CIO membership in the TMT, CIO hierarchical level, and formal educational mechanisms by the CIO) are important to the development of SMMs. Contrary to expectations, informal social mechanisms of knowledge exchange and physical proximity were not significantly related to SMMs.
  • Metamodelo do framework COBIT de governança de TI Original Article

    Souza Neto, João; Ferreira Neto, Arthur Nunes

    Resumo em Português:

    Este artigo aborda a geração e análise do metamodelo ontológico do framework COBIT de Governança de TI. Os metamodelos ontológicos representam, a partir de um nível superior de abstração, os componentes conceituais e a rica estrutura lógica e semântica dos relacionamentos dos frameworks de melhores práticas de TI, bem como possibilitam a análise, adaptação, comparação, integração e fusão de frameworks . Utilizou-se, na criação do metamodelo, a metodologia MetaFrame, fundamentada na disciplina de metamodelagem conceitual e na metodologia Entidade/Relacionamento estendida, que possui um processo iterativo de construção dos componentes do metamodelo, utilizando técnicas de modelagem e documentação de sistemas de informação, fazendo a verificação dos resultados baseada em critérios de qualidade. No metamodelo do COBIT 4.1 obtido, o tipo entidade central é o Processo de TI, o tipo entidade Domínio de TI representa os quatro domínios que agrupam um ou mais processos de TI do COBIT 4.1 que, por sua vez, estão divididos em uma ou mais Atividades, que são realizadas por um Papel ou mais, que são consultados, informados, prestam contas, ou se responsabilizam por cada Atividade. Como aplicação, o metamodelo do COBIT 4.1 poderá sugerir a adaptação ou implementação de um novo processo dentro do framework ou mesmo contribuir para a integração de frameworks , quando, após os processos de análise e comparação, encontram-se os pontos de conexão entre os componentes e as estruturas lógicas dos seus relacionamentos.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This paper addresses the generation and analysis of the COBIT 4.1 ontological metamodel of IT Governance framework. The ontological metamodels represent the logical structures and fundamental semantics of framework models and constitute adequate tools for the analysis, adaptation, comparison and integration of IT best practice frameworks. The MetaFrame methodology used for the construction of the COBIT metamodel is based on the discipline of conceptual metamodeling and on the extended Entity/Relationship methodology. It has an iterative process of construction of the metamodel’s components, using techniques of modeling and documentation of information systems. In the COBIT 4.1metamodel, the central entity type is the IT Process. The entity type of IT Domain represents the four domains that group one or more IT processes of the COBIT 4.1. In turn, these domains are divided into one or more Activities that are carried through by one or more Roles which are consulted, informed, accounted for or liable for each Activity. The COBIT 4.1 metamodel may suggest adaptation or implementation of a new process within the framework or even contribute to the integration of frameworks, when, after the processes of analysis and comparison, there are connection points between the components and the logical structures of its relationships.
  • Compreendendo a memória organizacional a partir dos Sistemas Integrados de Gestão (ERP) Original Article

    Perez, Gilberto; Ramos, Isabel

    Resumo em Português:

    Com esta pesquisa, no formato de ensaio teórico abordou-se o tema da Memória Organizacional e os Sistemas Integrados de Gestão (ERP), buscando apresentar alguns indícios de como este tipo de sistema pode colaborar para a consolidação de algumas funcionalidades da Memória Organizacional. A partir de uma revisão teórica sobre os conceitos da Memória Humana, com extensão à Memória Organizacional e Sistemas de Informação, com ênfase nos Sistemas Integrados de Gestão (ERP), procurou-se estabelecer um paralelo entre as funcionalidades e estruturas da Memória Organizacional e as funcionalidades e características dos ERPs. A escolha do sistema ERP para este estudo deveu-se à complexidade e escopo abrangente deste sistema. Pôde-se constatar que os ERPs suportam de forma adequada algumas funções da Memória Organizacional, com destaque à implementação das lógicas, processos, práticas e regras vigentes de negócio. Espera-se que o diálogo aqui apresentado possa contribuir para o avanço do entendimento da Memória Organizacional, visto que à semelhança da Memória Humana, é um campo fértil e ainda existe muito a ser pesquisado.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    With this research, in the form of a theoretical essay addressing the theme of Organizational Memory and Integrated Management Systems (ERP), we tried to present some evidence of how this type of system can contribute to the consolidation of certain features of Organizational Memory. From a theoretical review of the concepts of Human Memory, extending to the Organizational Memory and Information Systems, with emphasis on Integrated Management Systems (ERP) we tried to draw a parallel between the functions and structures of Organizational Memory and features and characteristics of ERPs. The choice of the ERP system for this study was made due to the complexity and broad scope of this system. It was verified that the ERPs adequately support many functions of the Organizational Memory, highlighting the implementation of logical processes, practices and rules in business. It is hoped that the dialogue presented here can contribute to the advancement of the understanding of organizational memory, since the similarity of Human Memory is a fertile field and there is still much to be researched.
  • Cash management policies by evolutionary models: a comparison using the Miller-Orr model Original Article

    Moraes, Marcelo Botelho da Costa; Nagano, Marcelo Seido

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This work aims to apply genetic algorithms (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) to managing cash balance, comparing performance results between computational models and the Miller-Orr model. Thus, the paper proposes the application of computational evolutionary models to minimize the total cost of cash balance maintenance, obtaining the parameters for a cash management policy, using assumptions presented in the literature, considering the cost of maintenance and opportunity for cost of cash. For such, we developed computational experiments from cash flows simulated to implement the algorithms. For a control purpose, an algorithm has been developed that uses the Miller-Orr model defining the lower bound parameter, which is not obtained by the original model. The results indicate that evolutionary algorithms present better results than the Miller-Orr model, with prevalence for PSO algorithm in results.
  • Information technology management system: an analysis on computational model failures for fleet management Original Article

    Oliveira, Jayr Figueiredo de; Fernandes, Marcelo Eloy; Lima, Carlos Roberto Camello

    Resumo em Português:

    Este artigo propõe um modelo de tecnologia de informação para avaliação de falhas na gestão de frotas. A pesquisa qualitativa realizada por um estudo de caso numa empresa de Transporte Rodoviário Interestadual no Estado de São Paulo, propôs estabelecer relações entre as ferramentas computacionais e a necessidade de informações, fidedignas e em intervalos de tempo aceitáveis como válidas, para as tomadas de decisão, confiabilidade, disponibilidade e gestão de sistemas. Adicionalmente, o estudo visou fornecer informações relevantes e precisas, de forma a minimizar e mitigar ações de falhas que possam ocorrer, comprometendo o funcionamento de toda a base operacional da organização.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    This article proposes an information technology model to evaluate fleet management failure. Qualitative research done by a case study within an Interstate Transport company in a São Paulo State proposed to establish a relationship between computer tools and valid trustworthy information needs, and within an acceptable timeframe, for decision making, reliability, availability and system management. Additionally, the study aimed to provide relevant and precise information, in order to minimize and mitigate failure actions that may occur, compromising all operational organization base functioning.
  • It management model for financial report issuance and regulatory and legal compliance Original Article

    Moreira, José Rogério Poggio; Silva, Paulo Caetano da

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The development of information systems for financial report issuance must be adherent to the demands of the law and regulations that regulate the financial market. In order to perform this task, organizations need to implement control in the Information Technology (IT) area to maintain their systems´ conformity to laws and regulations. In the development of this work, it was found, through a state-of-art study, that there are no proposals contemplating the solution of this problem in its totality. In order to achieve this goal, in this paper it is presented a model for Information Technology management constituted by COBIT, ITIL and BPM management good practices, together with SOA and XBRL Technologies. This model is composed by 03 layers that aim at structuring the organization IT and business processes, besides defining a process for implementing SOA and integrating its Web services with XBRL language. One can expect this work to contribute to companies to decrease the negative impact coming from the lack of conformity with laws and regulations, through the creation of a corporative and IT environment that is flexible and more adaptable to changes, which may occur in legal demands, as well as improving the quality and reliability of financial report issuance.
  • Impacts of a relationship model on informational technology governance: an analysis of managerial perceptions in Brazil Original Article

    Scheeren, Adriano Weber; Fontes Filho, Joaquim Rubens; Tavares, Elaine

    Resumo em Inglês:

    The aim of this article is to analyze the impacts, based on the perceptions of managers, of the deployment of a model to govern the relationship between business areas and IT in a large Brazilian financial organization. To undertake the case study of this deployment, the research firstly performed documental analyses of the process and then sent electronic surveys to a sample of managers in order to evaluate their perceptions of the model’s impact in terms of the formalism of the organization’s internal processes, strategic alignment between business areas and IT and levels of governance in the organization. The results revealed that managers perceived improvements in the quality of technological solutions, levels of IT governance, the understanding of IT area needs and business area demands, but they also stated that the negotiating process was more complex and there was no increase in their level of satisfaction with IT. These results of the study may contribute to the development of instruments for the evaluation of the impacts of the deployment of relationship models on important organizational aspects.
TECSI Laboratório de Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informação - FEA/USP Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 FEA 3, 05508-900 - São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 2648 6389, +55 11 2648 6364 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil