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Journal of Transport Literature, Volume: 10, Número: 2, Publicado: 2016
  • Demand estimation of Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) using stated preference technique and binary logit models Research Directory

    Jain, Udit; Sarkar, Pradip; Vibhuti, Anupan; Arora, Divyesh

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) is an efficient rapid transit system which provides the last mile connectivity to the users with a high level of reliability and comfort. This paper is focused on the estimation of travel demand for a PRT system in an area using stated preference technique and binary logit models. Dwarka is a township in south-western region of New Delhi, India, and it has been selected as the case study area for this study. Primary data has been collected during household and establishment surveys in the area. The surveys were conducted using stated preference technique and coupled with willingness to pay survey. Further, binary logit models have been developed to estimate a 36 percent (222,456 trips per day) shift to PRT from the existing modes in the area. Travel demand estimation is one of the critical aspects of planning a PRT system in an area. Using stated preference technique and binary logit models, the travel demand can be estimated very precisely for any area-wide or a larger city-wide PRT system.
  • A multiobjective metaheuristic approach for the integrated vehicle and crew scheduling Research Directory

    Prata, Bruno de Athayde

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The integrated vehicle and crew scheduling problem is a hard Combinatorial Optimization problem widely studied over the years. Taking into consideration the range of variables related to the planning process of vehicles and drivers, there are several practical characteristics of the problem that are not reflected in the solutions generated computationally. Among these characteristics, that were not found in the consulted literature, the most important is the existence of multiple objectives. This paper aims at presenting a multiobjective approach for the integrated vehicle and crew scheduling problem based on Genetic Algorithms. A case study in Portimão (Portugal) is presented and discussed. Were applied: (i) a Pareto Envelope-based Selection Algorithm II (PESA-II), and (ii) a hybridization between PESA-II and Integer Programming, which were summarized in a table. These results indicate that this new approach has a considerable potential for achieving significant gains in terms of operation costs and reduction in planning times.
  • Changing the road transport for a rail transport to access a Brazilian airport Research Directory

    Pereira, Anna Carolina Corrêa; Oliveira, Leise Kelli de; Souza, Antônio Artur de

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This paper reports a study aimed to assess whether passengers would change the road transport -- whether individual transport (IT) or passenger bus transport (BT) -- for the rail transport to reach or leave the International Airport Tancredo Neves in Confins, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It also sought to identify the passengers’ preference between the two transport modes. The study was built on two techniques: a questionnaire-based survey that approached 296 passengers, and a stated preference survey, which was answered by 223 of them. The results pointed out that most of the respondents were keen on changing the IT and BT for rail transport to reach and leave the airport. The rail transport had a good level of acceptance (84%), which, was, however, contradicted by the stated preference results: 73% of the respondents stated they do prefer the individual transport. One of the possible reasons for the controversial results may be the way the data was collected and arranged in this study. The conclusion of the study was that the rail transport enjoyed good acceptance amongst the respondents when imagined in a static scenario.
  • Development of a feasibility model for a High Speed Rail (HSR) line project Research Directory

    Garcia, Reinaldo C.; Goulart, Aline; Veiga, Thais da C.; Cunha, Luiza V. da; Vilarindo, Marcos

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The building costs of a High Speed Rail line project besides its acquisition, operation and maintenance ones, are very high making it an expensive option of transportation. The implementation of a HSR project must then be evaluated, determining its costs and revenues, in order to justify its viability. This research proposes a model to evaluate the feasibility of a HSR line. The model considers the cases where the demand and the costs have uncertainties, assuming also that the initial evaluated demand can be overestimated. A detailed explanation of the proposed model is given and empirical results for the Brazilian HSR project are discussed. The results show that such a project is a very risky one, and it must be carefully discussed before it becomes a reality.
  • Measuring accessibility: effects of implementing multiple trip generating developments Research Directory

    Lima, Jessica Helena de; Andrade, Maurício Oliveira de; Maia, Maria Leonor Alves

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract The urban environment can be strongly affected by the increased number of displacements that emerge from a trip generating development hub, and so a measuring tool is needed for these variations, indicating where they occurred with a greater intensity. This can guide the government when investing in local transport. This paper proposes location quality indicators and uses them to measure the impact of the new Industrial Port Complex of Suape in Pernambuco, which is considered to be trip generator territory. Data from the 1997 OD survey, prior to the existence of the complex, has been used in comparison with the 2010 Census, once the industries were in place. Clearly the complex installation brought great changes, not only to its immediate location, but also for the entire metropolis. Displacements towards this area have greatly intensified in number and average travel time. The accessibility index for the locals has greatly improved, and their per capita income shows its greatest variation between the years 2000 and 2010, suggesting that local workers have been absorbed by the industry, comprising an important step towards sustainable development and social inclusion.
  • Modelo de estimação de custos do transporte urbano de cargas com base na vulnerabilidade da rede viária Diretório De Pesquisas

    Goes, George Vasconcelos; Bertoncini, Bruno Vieira

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Vulnerabilidade é um atributo de desempenho que busca inferir o impacto que a obstrução total ou parcial de uma via reflete no desempenho da rede de transportes. Tal conceito permite analisar tanto a resiliência da rede como os custos incorridos em cenários distintos para diversos atores envolvidos. Este artigo objetivou propor uma metodologia de análise e mensuração dos custos da vulnerabilidade associada ao transporte de cargas. Para isso, desenvolveu-se um modelo de rede viária com 15 arcos e 10 nós, baseado no equilíbrio do usuário, com a finalidade de realizar simulações de falhas nos arcos, além de mensurar os riscos de haver obstruções. O modelo contendo os custos e risco por cenário apresentou desempenho satisfatório para a representação do fenômeno e para a tomada de decisão.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract Vulnerability is a performance attribute that seeks to infer the impact of partial or total blockage of a pathway reflects the performance of transport network. This concept allows to analyze both of the network resilience and the costs in different scenarios for the various actors involved. This article aims to propose a methodology for analysis and measurement of costs associated with the vulnerability of freight transportation. Thus, we developed a model of road network with 10 nodes and 15 links, based on user equilibrium, in order to perform simulations of failed arcs, in addition to measuring the risks of having obstructions. The model containing costs and risk by scenario sufficient to allow the representation of the phenomenon and the decision-making performance.
  • Localização e concentração de atividades logísticas no Brasil Diretório De Pesquisas

    Catapan, André; Luna, Mônica Maria Mendes

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo O presente trabalho analisa a localização e concentração das atividades logísticas no Brasil, com destaque para os estados de Pernambuco, Goiás e Santa Catarina. Para identificar estas concentrações foram usados dados relativos ao número de funcionários que atuam nos vários grupos de atividades econômicas relacionados a transporte e logística. Os resultados mostram que há concentrações de atividades logísticas em torno dos grandes mercados consumidores, dos complexos industriais, de algumas zonas de produção agrícola e dos terminais portuários. Com base na revisão de literatura, a caracterização dos fatores que contribuem para a decisão de localização destas instalações, bem como para o fenômeno de concentração, também é apresentada. Por fim, as concentrações de atividades logísticas são classificadas de acordo com a taxonomia proposta por Savy (2005).

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This paper is about the location and concentration of logistics activities in Brazil, especially in Pernambuco, Goiás and Santa Catarina states. In order to identify these concentrations, data concerning the number of employees who work in economic activities sectors related to transport and logistics were used. The findings indicate concentrations of logistics activities around the large consumer markets, industrial complexes, agricultural production and port terminal areas. Based on the literature, factors contributing to the location decision as well as concentration phenomenon of these facilities are also presented. Lastly, logistic activities concentrations are classified under the taxonomy proposed by Savy (2005).
  • Análise da ocupação veicular para a inserção de beneficiários no transporte coletivo urbano Diretório De Pesquisas

    Ferreira, Sérgio Silvestrini; Barbosa, Heloisa Maria

    Resumo em Português:

    Resumo Este trabalho apresenta um método capaz de acompanhar e avaliar as taxas de ocupação críticas nos ônibus urbanos nos trechos mais carregados durante a operação. O objetivo é detectar períodos do dia com taxas inferiores às máximas estabelecidas nos contratos de concessão do serviço, para inclusão de beneficiários sem necessidade do pagamento integral da tarifa. O método, baseado em pesquisas de movimentação de passageiros e no tratamento e análise estatística dos dados do Sistema de Bilhetagem Eletrônica – SBE, foi aplicado para o caso de Belo Horizonte-MG. Foi formulado um parâmetro de qualidade, Índice de Conforto Desejável para determinar a capacidade ociosa da frota em operação e quantificar os beneficiários com descontos na tarifa por períodos determinados. A avaliação econômica mostra que em Belo Horizonte, no entrepico, podem ser inseridos mais de 100.000 beneficiários, aproximadamente o total de desempregados na cidade. O estudo demonstrou que investimentos em tecnologias de transportes permitem implantar políticas de inclusão econômica e tornar o ônibus acessível às categorias excluídas, sem provocar alterações no nível de qualidade e desequilíbrios financeiros ao sistema.

    Resumo em Inglês:

    Abstract This study presents a method capable of monitoring and evaluating critical occupancy rates in urban public transportation considering route segments with the highest ridership demand. The objective is to detect periods of the day with lower occupancy rates than the maximum permitted by contract, in order to include beneficiaries without the need of paying full fares. The method was applied in a case study in Belo Horizonte city based on boarding and alighting surveys and on the treatment and statistical analysis of database from the Automatic Fare Collection system – AFC. A new indicator of comfort level was formulated, Index of Desirable Comfort, necessary to define the fleet idle capacity during operation and to quantify the beneficiaries with fare discounts during specific periods. Economical evaluation shows that over 100,000 beneficiaries could be included in the system during off-peak, approximately the total of unemployed in the city. The study demonstrated that investments in transportation technologies allow inclusion policies and make the bus accessible to excluded categories, without provoking changes to the quality level and financial disequilibrium to the system.
Sociedade Brasileira de Planejamento dos Transportes Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Faculdade de Tecnologia - Pavilhão Rio Japurá - Setor Norte, Av. Gal Rodrigo Otávio, n. 3000, Coroado, CEP 69077-000, Tel.: (55 92) 3305-4613 | 3305-4607 - Manaus - AM - Brazil