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DAS POTÊNCIAS DA MEMÓRIA. A afirmação da transitoriedade histórica e da eternidade das ideias


From the analysis of the Heraclitian and Platonic tradition on transience and immortality - understood as universal concepts - this essay defends the following antinomy as its thesis: if there is temporality there must be eternity. This thesis is demonstrated through the study and updating of the notions of soul, spirit, idea and memory, which are invariably connected to the past as the ontological principle of the historical phenomenon. Beyond the philosophical point of view, therefore, from the specific perspective of historical knowledge, this study exposes some theoretical implications about the conditions of possibility of history, which are finally discussed in dialogue with Friedrich Nietzsche and Jacob Burckhardt.

Key words
temporality; eternity; ideas; spirit; memory

Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da UFMG Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 Campus Pampulha, CEP: 31270-301 Belo Horizonte MG - Brasil, Tel: (31) 3409-5025, Fax: (31) 3409-5041 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil