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OS LIMITES DOS AUTOSSACRIFÍCIOS SEGUNDO MONTAIGNE* * Este texto integra projeto de pesquisa financiado pelo CNPq


At first, the article proposes an approximation between Aristotle's and Montaigne's views on the virtue of courage, with special attention to the problem of heroic death. Then, some distinguishing points of the French philosopher from the Aristotelian legacy are presented, in order to show, finally, that one of the specifically Montaignean restrictions on the legitimacy of an act of courage entails a limitation to the action of the State itself; which must be considered an essential element to the shaping of Modern political thought.

Death; Courage; Aristotle; Montaigne

Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da UFMG Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 Campus Pampulha, CEP: 31270-301 Belo Horizonte MG - Brasil, Tel: (31) 3409-5025, Fax: (31) 3409-5041 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil