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Acerca del ciclo evolutivo del Trypanosoma (Schizotrypanum) cruzi Chagas 1909, en sus fases tisular y hematica

The author reviews published works about the evolutive cycle of the Trypanosoma cruzi in the vertebrate host, from the discovery of the disease to our days. Then, he analyzes the ideas of the modern authors who based themselves on the observations made formerly, in 1914, by MAYER & ROCHA LIMA, ideas that ROMAÑA and MEYER, ELKELES and WOOD agree at the present time. Last, he states that, from the infective trypanosomas, the parasites which enter the cellular protoplasma may follow two systems to perform their evolution up to leishmanioid bodies: 1.]) by fusiform regression, 2.º) by an orbicular regression. Once the parasites reach the leishmanioid forms, they multiply by binary division. When the celular protoplasm is filled up with the parasites, these follow an inverted transformation up to trypanosoma state, following also two systems; similar to the repression 1.º) a fusiform progression, 2.º) an orbicular progression. The mechanism of the different transformations is sketched in figure N.º 1 in the work.

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