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O gosto dominante como gosto tradicional: preferências e aversões estéticas das classes altas de São Paulo

Based on semi-directive interviews with wealthy people groups of São Paulo and on cultural critics from this city's contemporary press, this article discusses some visions that bankers, art collectors, ambassadors, farmers, rentiers, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, powerful businessmen, industrialists, etc. create of themselves and of the other groups through their manifest aesthetical preferences. The analysis of their preferences in architecture, cinema and paintings indicates a general lack of vanguard taste.

Taste; high classes; aesthetical traditionalism; São Paulo

Centro Brasileiro de Análise e Planejamento Rua Morgado de Mateus, 615, CEP: 04015-902 São Paulo/SP, Brasil, Tel: (11) 5574-0399, Fax: (11) 5574-5928 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil