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Control of secondary bulb growth and productivity of vernalized garlic under water stress

The objective of this work was to verify the effect of the water deficit, applied in different times and periods without irrigation, in the incidence of the secondary bulb growth and in the yield of noble vernalized garlic, cultivar "Roxo Pérola de Caçador". The experiment was conducted under field conditions, using the experimental design of randomized blocks, with three replications. The factorial scheme used was 4x4+1, with four irrigation suspension times (at the 50, 55, 60 and 65 days after planting), four periods of water deficit (8, 12, 16 and 20 days), and one control treatment, not submitted to water deficit. The bulbs used for planting were submitted to the vernalization of 50 days at 4ºC. The increase in the period of water deficit in all times reduced linearly the secondary bulb growth taxes, with linear increment in the production of commercial bulbs. Larger periods of water deficit favor the obtainment of commercial bulbs with larger medium mass.

Allium sativum; irrigation; bulbification

Embrapa Secretaria de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento; Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira Caixa Postal 040315, 70770-901 Brasília DF Brazil, Tel. +55 61 3448-1813, Fax +55 61 3340-5483 - Brasília - DF - Brazil